天然陶粒滤料 陶粒 水过滤

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滤料类型 陶粒 适用对象
用途 水过滤 性能 耐酸、耐碱、耐高温、耐低温、防火、防水、防静电
类型 高效 品牌 科艺
吸附率 90(%) 抗压力 7(kgf)
密度 75(g/cm3) 孔隙率 90(%)
磨损率 2 硬度 7
化学成分 二氧化硅 盐酸可溶率 1(%)


the volcanic rock biology filters the material to apply most early in overseas, our country once imported the volcanic rock to filter the material to take the water treatment biology carrier. the tianjin elegant us and kuwait skill technological progress limited company according to the domestic and foreign technological development condition, cooperates with the domestic and foreign colleague expert, in domestic seeks to suits the processing volcanic rock to filter the material raw material. after selection processing, working procedure processings and so on biological activation become, apparent is the anomalous pellet, the color is the vandyck brown. the porous nature is light. the pellet particle size may act according to the different request to carry on the production. uses this living thing to filter the material, processing may the biochemistry organic industrial waste, the municipal administration sewage, lives mixed draining water, the micro pollution water source water and so on. the volcanic rock biology filters the material realizes the aeration biofilter sewage treatment craft key material, this product and the traditional biological ceramsite compares, not only has the quality of material to be light, the chemical stability is good, intensity being suitable, merits and so on surface roughness yi guamo, moreover the hole is developed, the distribution is reasonable, very suitable microorganism"s vaccination, domestication, reproduction growth. bears the flushing, not to stop up, has the good physics, chemistry and the hydraulic characteristic, may adapt in the different sewage purification request. because should filter the material to be bigger than the surface area, may accumulate highly concentrated the microorganism quantity, the highly concentrated microorganism causes the aeration biofilter"s volume load to increase, the elimination rate is high. the unit volume sewage treatment efficiency ratio convention filters the material to enhance 5-7 times, may satisfy the environmental protection emission standard. this product passes through “the ministry of construction water treatment to filter the material quality surveillance to examine the center” the examination, the target is fine, perform reliably.

所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 滤料
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