
炫彩蓝牙音箱 BQ-615蓝牙音箱

信息编号:3399113 浏览:328次
深圳市雅虎通科技有限公司 商铺


: tf卡播放模式(micro sd card mode)

:蓝牙模式( bluetooth mode)

:收音机模式(fm radio mode)

:下一曲/音量减少(volume down/next)

:播放/暂停键/接听(play/ pause/answer)

:上一曲/音量增大(volume up / pre)

:灯控制板(light model button)


:tf卡插口(micro sd)


:usb接口(usb 5v)

:音频输入插口(audio line-in)


speaker specification:40mm×3w


frequency response:20hz-20khz




bluetooth specification:bluetooth 3.0

bluetooth communication protocol:

  support advanced audio transmission mode( a2dp) vert 1.2

   supports audio and video remote control mode (avrcp) support ver 1.0

bluetooth communication range:more than 10m

power supply:built-in lithium

charging time:8 hours(first time, please extend charging time)

talk time:8 hours

bluetooth play time:8 hours

tf card play time:8hours

adapter:microusb port, 3.5 av input port,

dimension:165mm* 66mm

max tf card memory:32g

support play mode:auto sort loop play and breakpoint memory play.


.featuressmart hd infinite hifi

1. suspended decline hifi sound effects    7.usb desktop files copy

2.tf card hd audio decoding              8.audio input computer speakers

3.smart voice prompt navigation        9.radio automatically search station

4. blue led aperture navigation      10. bluetooth high-definition calls

5. bluetooth audio play      11.respond the coming call number

6.bluetooth back less than 1 second        12. perfect stereo sound


三.operation instruction

   the product is turned into the bluetooth status automatically in the absence of other external device into the state, the voice prompts ”enter the bluetooth”, then the speaker automatically search for last paired device, if can not find, voice prompts “waiting for connection “, then you can connect with bluetooth devices, when searched and paired for last device, voice prompts “connected ”.and it will automatically play songs (if the phone default player or other e setup issues, can not automatically play, this is a normal phenomenon, that need you to manually turn on the music player)。

  presstffmbutton to switch functions, each function keys has a corresponding voice prompts.

     when on,detect if tf card or audio input line exists, when the tf card exit, will automatically play mp3 music; when audio line exist will paly external music; while tf card and audio line both exist ,tf card play first. product support priority after-operation, regardless of any state, into the audio input cable and tf card will enter the after- operation mode.

     products support automatic sleep function, if enter the bluetooth pairing mode for 10 minutes, no any device connected or pause 10 minutes in tf card mode, player off automatically,if need to the next step, please reboot.

四.buttoninstruction :

⑴    on / off:power key

⑵    line port3.5 audio input port

⑶    tf cardtf card paly audio

⑷    fm radio

⑸    microphone

⑹    play/ pause/answer:pause and play in paly mode.in bluetooth mode,when call,that areanswer key and hang up keys,double-click, redial the last phone number。

⑺    volume down/next: long press decrease volume. in fm mode, short press switch pre frequency ,in music mode, short press switch previous song.

⑻    volume up / pre: long press increase volume, in fm mode, short press switch to next frequency, in music mode, short press switch to next song

⑼    tf mode switch: switch tf card play mode

⑽    mode button:switch to bluetooth modenew feature: in the bluetooth mode, long pressforcibly enter the bluetooth pairing mode)

⑾    fmmode switch:switch to fm radio mode, press 3 seconds tuning

note: short press: hold the key for less then 1 second, long press: hold the key for about 3 seconds )


所属分类:中国数码电脑网 / 手机免提设备
炫彩蓝牙音箱 BQ-615蓝牙音箱的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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