
出口蓄电池测试仪 蓄电池快速检测设备 汽车电器厂

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河间市联兴汽车电器厂 商铺
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产品采用优质的线材合理的线路设计,精密的表头,机壳采用碳钢材质,电源线采用8方铜线,夹子为精品全镀铜的,个链接件均为优质合格产品,本产品具有便于携带,使用简单,测量准确不易误判等特点,放电电流为100a适用于各种铅酸蓄电池的检测,更具备无极功能,可使产品更能得到保护,避免加错极性将产品烧坏. 用于检测摩托车,汽车,电瓶车蓄电池 此款检测仪是做电池检测工具的专家,是这行业的佼佼者,这款检测仪质量可靠,故障少,是专业的检测工具。可以检测目前市面上所有的大小电池。 快速检测蓄电池的电量状态,检测结果分为四种(充足、正常、重充、放完),适合10ah--200ah蓄电池。测试仪的电路不用分正负极性。蓄电池测试仪表面上清晰地有被测蓄电池开路电压指示值,外加检测时所用的检测开关,使用操作方便。测试仪与被测蓄电池连接,电压表显示的是蓄电池的电压值,标称蓄电池正常电压在12.5v--13v。 拨动测试开关,指针下降,其指示值为对应容量被测蓄电池的状态:正常、重充、放完。对12v发电机可作直接测试发电量。 使用方法 1.将测试仪的两夹子夹到电瓶的正负两极上,这时指示灯亮(灯亮一边的夹子端为电瓶的正极),电压表指示电瓶电压,此时为虚电压(空载电压)。 2.灯不亮或电压表指针不动,要检查测试仪夹子与电瓶极柱是否接触良好。 3.扭动钮子开关,时间不得超过5秒(此时测试仪以100a给蓄电池放电),电压表的指针向左偏移,根据偏移位置判断该电瓶的电量状况。测试结果大致可分为以下五种情况: 1.指针在绿区表示电量充足。 2.指针在黄区且指针稳定表示电量不足,需充电。 3.指针向左回落快,表示电瓶已不存电。 4.指针回零,表示电瓶可能断格。 5.指针在红区表示电瓶电量很低,蓄电池可能有缺陷。

products using high- wire reasonable circuit design, precision of the header, the casing adopts carbon steel, power line using 8 copper wire clip for full copper, boutique, a link member are all products, the product has the advantages of portability, easy to use, accurate measurement is not easy to judge and other characteristics, detection of the discharge current for the 100a applicable to all kinds of lead-acid battery, more have no function, can make the product more protection, avoid wrong polarity will burn out. for the detection of motorcycle, car, storage battery car battery this detector is a specialist in battery testing tool, is the leader in the industry, this instrument reliable, fault less, is testing tool professional. can detect all size batteries currently on the market. rapid detection of battery state of charge, the detection results are divided into four types (normal, heavy enough, filling, after release), suitable for 10ah--200ah battery. circuit tester is not divided into positive and negative polarity. battery tester surface clearly indicating value measured battery open circuit voltage, plus a detection switch for the detection, convenient operation. tester and tested the battery connection, voltage meter shows the battery voltage value, the nominal battery voltage in normal 12.5v--13v. a test switch, pointer down, indicating value of the corresponding capacity measured battery state: normal, re charge, after release. the 12v generator can be used for direct measurement of power generation. use method 1 will test two clip to the positive and negative poles battery, when the indicator light (the light side of the clip end as the cathode of the battery), voltage meter indicates the battery voltage, this time for the virtual voltage (voltage). 2 lamp does not light or voltmeter pointer does not move, to clamp and a battery inspection tester pole is good contact. 3 twist the toggle switch, time shall not exceed 5 seconds (the test instrument with 100a discharge battery), offset voltage table pointer to the left, according to the judgment of the battery power offset status. the test results can be roughly divided into the following five cases: 1 pointer in the green zone that the sufficient power. the 2 pointer that lack of electricity in the yellow zone and pointer stability, charge. the 3 pointer to the left back soon, said battery has not save electricity. the 4 pointer back to zero, said battery may off lattice. the 5 pointer in the red zone that the battery is low, the battery may have defects.




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河间市联兴汽车电器有限公司创建于2006年,是集科研开发.生产经管.技术服务于一体的汽车电瓶充电机.电瓶附件开发制造企业。公司占地2500平方米,拥有年产量 ...
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