小米3手机屏幕总成 小米3液晶总成 原装小米3屏幕

信息编号:3272431 浏览:247次
深圳市卡贝拉珠宝有限公司 商铺
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1 收到货,请务必先检查屏幕外观和排线有无完好,并测试屏幕显示和触摸功能,确认没有问题后再进行安装!(测试触摸时,可以编辑图标移动到屏幕每个位置进行测试,图标可以跟着手指走动,触摸就正常) 2.  屏幕总成上有两个排线扣,安装过程中,排线请勿太用力拉扯或过度扭曲,以免造成损坏。安装时要特别注意排线部位的保护,以免发生意外。 3. 液晶总成务必先检查测试确认没有问题后再进行安装。拆装有风险,安装需要有相关的经验和技术,建议找专业人员安装,避免操作不当损坏商品。 4.请在收到货后当天内检查测试,有问题立即与我们联系. 5. 因操作不当导致屏幕出现人为损坏的,本店将不能退换服务,本店不承担因安装操作不当引起的任何损失。









2.触摸屏/液晶无划伤, 不撕镜面纸及易碎标签纸; 



lcd buying: 
1, the lcd display is fragile items, we will tested before shipment to ensure that no problem, using a dedicated small foam box package shipped. usually no problem 
2, the buyer received the goods please face to face inspection, please check the goods before you sign if there is broken, tattered and other phenomena of damage or missing items and items not such phenomena as found above and other undesirable phenomena, please refuse to sign and promptly contact our customer service as buyers in the absence of contact with our customer premise sign for finished goods means that goods accepted for default, to inform this problem, such as sign and then, please forgive the restaurant is not responsible. 
3, the company provides quality assurance for a week in non-human physical damage, you can rest assured purchase. please do not tear up the warranty label every piece of lcd screen test no problem will be shipped before our label affixed, get the goods, otherwise unable to provide after-sale protection. 
iphone screen installation considerations: 
• 1. receipt of goods, be sure to check whether the screen appearance and cable intact and functional test screen displays and touch to confirm there is no problem and then install! (test touch screen can be moved to the edit icon for each test location, the icon can follow your finger around, touching on normal) 
• 2. has two rows of line deduction, the installation process, do not be too hard to pull cables or excessive distortion, to avoid damage on the screen assembly. pay particular attention to the protection of parts of the cable installation, to avoid accidents. 
• 3. lcd assembly be sure to check the test to confirm that no problems after installation. there are risks dismantling, installation requires relevant experience and technology to find the best professional installation is recommended to avoid damage to goods improper operation. 
• 4., please get the goods within a day of screening tests, there is a problem contact us immediately 
• 5. due to improper operation appears man-made damage, the shop will not be returned service restaurant does not bear any losses due to improper installation. 
buyers must-read; 
1. 7 days of receipt (in the waybill receipt date) found functional failures, the quality of the products, please contact us; deadline will not be accepted cases, a false false verified inadmissible. 
2. buyers to sell the grounds of unsatisfactory or poor, there is no actual product quality problems, we will not return. 
3 customers upon receipt regardless of whether the damage outside the box, you need to check the box, if the product damage due to transportation problems, please let the relevant transport company out, according to the official seal stamped to prove, and this proved to provide to us, to us to help customers claim. 
4. please protect all our customers a complete product packaging, accessories or related information is complete, the product itself has quality problems, within the specified time we will give in exchange; (separate replacement freight borne by the customer, recommends that the next order change up) 
5 if the returned product packaging incomplete, missing parts or related information; unauthorized repair, modification; fails normal method used, stored; beyond the product warranty period; returned products labeled, falsified fraud, we will not bear returned; 
6 customers found the product quality problems return, please return our ordinary courier, freight customer advances, the company will be shipping after receipt of the goods and commodities to supplement the list of actual costs by courier, if the customer under the circumstances not to communicate with the customer, direct return, we will not accept; thank you for your cooperation. 
[warranty] touch screen / lcd screen / mobile phone accessories are not covered by the warranty of the product, but taking into account the specificities and interests of buyers online transactions, the company does not appear in the case of the following terms, such as failure issues quality assurance of the week: 

the warranty statement
1 welding cable is not broken, do not bend, break, do not take the receiver, oscillator, not installed; 
2 touch screen / lcd no scratches, do not tear the fragile glossy paper and labels;

3 ic burst not returned, lcd burst will not be returned; 
4 is not installed after the warranty. so after the first detection of the lcd screen, please receive good then loaded on the machine.


所属分类:中国数码电脑网 / 手机显示屏
小米3手机屏幕总成 小米3液晶总成 原装小米3屏幕的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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