美国 精密手动打样机 总代理 特价

信息编号:3162198 浏览:62次
广州易测仪器有限公司 商铺
中国 广东 广州市 天河区燕岭路123号建设大厦1216室
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命名为“幻影™,这一手打样机需要的颜色匹配到一个新的水平。incorporating precision laser engraved ceramic anilox rolls, quick change steel doctor blade and a rubber transfer roll, this precision instrument gives the user the ability to duplicate the same color that is on the press.结合精密激光雕刻陶瓷网纹辊,快速变化的钢刮刀和橡胶传送卷轴,这个精密仪器,使用户能够重复相同的颜色,按。

benefits of phantom proofer幻影打样机的优点
ultra light in weight超轻重量 increases efficiency提高工作效率 built-in bearings内置轴承 easier clean up更容易清理 solvent resistant transfer roll耐溶剂传送卷轴 quick doctor blade & anilox roll change快速刮刀和网纹辊的变化 less replacement parts更换部件少 iso 9001/2000iso 9001/2000

the phantom™ precision hand proofer is designed to draw down water, uv or solvent based ink, adhesives or coatings.幻影™精密手打样机设计画下来的水,uv或溶剂型油墨,粘合剂和涂料。the device can be utilized on any substrate.利用该装置可在任何基材上。because the ceramic anilox proofer roll is laser engraved, the engraved cells are the exact line screen and volume just like you have on your press.由于陶瓷网纹辊打样机辊激光雕刻,刻的细胞是确切的行屏幕和体积跟你一样对你的记者。

the color match that you get on the proof is the same color match that you will get off the press.证明你的色彩搭配,是相同的色彩搭配,你会得到记者。if you need to modify the ink before you go to the press, you can do this and check it with the phantom proofer.如果您需要修改的墨水之前,你去记者,你可以做到这一点,并检查它与幻影打样机。

to produce a sample proof: lay the substrate out on a smooth flat surface.要产生一个样本证明:躺着的基板,光洁平整的表面上。install the desired proofer roll in the phantom assembly.安装所需的打样机卷幻影大会。turn the adjustment knob to set the impression.转动调节旋钮设定的印象。apply a dollop (1/2 teaspoon) of ink to the laser engraved proofer roll.应用到激光刻打样机辊墨dollop(1 / 2茶匙)。tilt the proofer at a 45 degree angle resting the rubber roll on the substrate.倾斜45度角搁在基板上的胶辊打样机。draw the proofer towards you.对你的画打样机。that's pretty much it.这是差不多了。you should have a perfect color match.你应该有一个完美的色彩搭配。speed does not matter because we are metering with a doctor blade.速度并不重要,因为我们是用刮刀计量。a more detailed instruction booklet comes with the proofer.更详细的说明书与打样机。
laser engraved anilox at a 60° hex激光雕刻网纹辊在60 °六角 laser engraved anilox at a 30° hex激光雕刻网纹辊在30 °六角
  imperial御 metric公制
  line screen行屏幕 volume卷 line screen行屏幕 volume卷
cell per inch细胞每英寸 bcm/inbcm / in cell/cm细胞/厘米 cm/mcm / m
single line screen standard phantom™ rolls单线屏幕标准幻影™劳斯莱斯
roll 1卷1 10001000 1.251.25 397397 1.941.94
roll 2卷2 900900 1.451.45 354354 2.22.2
roll 3卷3 800800 1.81.8 315315 2.82.8
roll 4卷4 700700 2.22.2 276276 3.43.4
roll 5卷5 600600 2.52.5 236236 3.93.9
roll 6支6 550550 33 217217 4.64.6
roll 7掷出7 500500 3.23.2 197197 55
roll 8卷8 440440 3.43.4 173173 5.35.3
roll 9卷9 400400 3.73.7 157157 5.75.7
roll 10卷10 360360 4.34.3 142142 6.76.7
roll 11卷11 300300 4.84.8 118118 7.47.4
roll 12卷12 260260 5.75.7 102102 8.88.8
roll 13卷13 200200 6.86.8 7979 10.510.5
banded line screen standard phantom™ rolls带状线屏幕标准幻影™劳斯莱斯
roll 14卷14 900900 1.451.45 354354 2.22.2
800800 1.81.8 315315 2.82.8
roll 15卷15 700700 2.22.2 276276 3.43.4
600600 2.52.5 236236 3.93.9
roll 16卷16 550550 3.03.0 217217 4.64.6
500500 3.23.2 197197 55
roll 17卷17 440440 3.43.4 173173 5.35.3
400400 3.73.7 157157 5.75.7
roll 18卷18 360360 4.34.3 142142 6.76.7
300300 4.84.8 118118 7.47.4
roll 19卷19 260260 5.75.7 102102 8.88.8
200200 6.86.8 7979 10.510.5


所属分类:中国印刷网 / 打样机
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