
信息编号:3157529 浏览:233次
深圳市恩慈电子有限公司 商铺
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測量範圍 :20.0 ~ 10500 rpm/fpm


精確度 :±0.5%




工作電源 :ac110v 或 220v 選擇(訂購時需註明)


size:210 x 120 x 120mm


?push keyboard setting.

?external trigger input.

?rs232 computer interface output.

?flash rate : 5 to 10,500 rpm/fpm. 0.083 to 175 hz

?display 14 mm led, 6 digits.

?high resolution.

?main function : fine adjust, coarse adjust, multiply by 2, divide by 2, fast finder, memory recall.

?memorize 10 sets of measuring data.

?crystal time base and microprocessor circuit, not necessary take any calibration procedures.

?power supply : ac 110v/220v/230v, 50/60 hz.

?application for inspecting and measuring the speed of moving gears, fans, centrifuges, pumps, motors, general industrial maintenance,
production, quality control, laboratories, schools and colleges...


* dt-2269 is a microprocessor circuit design, high accuracy, digital readout stroboscope. adjusting the "flash rate" by push button keyboard, unique design in the world, easy operating & with intelligent function. that is ideal for inspecting and measuring the speed of moving gears, fans, centrifuges,
pumps, motors and other equipment used in general industrial maintenance, production, quality control, laboratories and as well as for schools and colleges for demonstrating strobe action.* external trigger input.* rs232 computer interface output.


顯示 (display)

14 mm ( 0.56" ) led, 6 digits.

閃爍比設定範圍 (flash rate set up range)

rpm : 5 to 12,500 rpm.hz 0.083 to 208 hz.

解析度 (resolutio) ( internal trigger )

fpm/rpm0.1 rpm :5 to 999.9 rpm1 rpm :1,000 to 9,999 rpm10 rpm :10,000 to 12,500 rpmhz0.001 hz :< 10 hz0.01 hz :10 hz - 99.99 hz0.1 hz :100 - 208 hz

精確度 (accuracy)

± ( 0.15 % + 0.2 rpm ) rdg. : < 1,000 rpm± ( 0.5 % + 1 rpm ) rdg. :± 1 digit. 1,000 to 3,300 rpm± 1 % fs :3,301, to 12,500 rpmrdg :reading,fs :full scale


rpm, hz, fine adjust, coarse adjust, multiply by 2, divide by 2, fast finder, memory recall.

記憶 (memory)

can memorize 10 sets of measuring data.

設定穩定性 (set up stability)

1 digit within 10 minute.

資料輸出 (data output)

rs 232 computer interface.

操作溫度 (operating temp. )

0 to 50 ℃ (32 to 122 ℉).

操作溼度 (operating humidity)

less than 80% rh.

操作責任週期 (operating duty cycle)

for prolong life and safe operation, please adhere to the following duty cycle:< 2000 rpm - 2 hours, 2000 to 3600 rpm - one hour, 3601 to 8000 rpm - 30 minutes, > 8000 rpm - 10 minutes.* 10 min. cooling off period between cycles.

外部觸發器 (external trigger)

input signal :5v to 30 v rms, 5 to 10,500 rpm. 0.083 to 175 hz.

電源供應 (power supply)

110 vac 10%, 50/60 hz. or 220 vac 10%, 50/60 hz. or 230 vac 10%, 50/60 hz

電路 (circuit)

this stroboscope/tachometer employs an custom one-chip of microcomputer lsi circu & crystal control time base which results in extraordinary accuracy over a wide, dynamic range.

電源損耗 (power consumption)

less than 30 watt.

重量 (weight)

 1kg/2.2 lb.

尺寸 (size)

hwd - 21 x 12 x 12 cm (8.3x4.8x4.8 inch).

主體 (housing case)

compact and impact plastic injection case with plastic mirror type reflector.

校正 (calibration)

crystal time base and microprocessor circuit, don't necessary take any external calibration procedure if the stroboscope working properly.

附件 (standard accessory)

operation manual....................... 1 pcpower cord................. 1 pc.

選購附件 (optional & accessories temp. probe)

* usb cable, usb-01.* rs232 cable, upcb-02.* data acquisition software, sw-u801-win.

閃爍管規格 flash tube specifications

閃爍管 (flash tube)

xenon lamp.

閃爍持續力 (flash duration)

approximately 60 to 1,000 microseconds.

閃爍顏色 (flash color)

xenon white 6,500 k degree.

閃爍能源 (flash energy)

4 watts-seconds (joules).

光束角度 (beam angle)

80 degrees.

閃爍管更換 (flash tube replacement)

it is required to change the flash tube when the instrument start to flash irregularly at speeds of 3600 rpm/fpm or more.

操作程序 operations procedures

準備 (preparation)

(a) plug unit into a properly grounded 110v ac, 220v ac or 230v ac outlet.(b) turn the power switch to "on" position.(c) determine the range switch to "low" or "high" position.

檢查速度 (checking speed)

when checking speed, care must be taken to insure that the strobe is flashing in unison (one to one) with the object being monitored. a stroboscope will also
stop motion at 2:1, 3:1, 4:1 et., this is normally referred to as harmonies. to be sure of unison, turn the dial until two images appear - this will double the actual
speed. then lower the flashing rate until a single and stationary image appears - this is the actual true speed.

檢查動作 (checking motion)

for motion analysis, simply locate the actual speed as mentioned above and then turn the dial slowly up or down. this will give a slow motion effect allowing complete inspection.

備註 (remark)

when order the stroboscope, should inform the power supply type is ac 110v, or 220 v or 230v.


所属分类:中国仪表网 / 转速表
DT-2269闪光同步转速计DT2269便携式频闪仪RS232闪频仪路昌LUTRON的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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