韩国马达(原装进口) 60(W)

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天津大星传动设备销售有限公司 商铺
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size mm sq.  type pole output voltage frequency duty rated load starting torque capacitor current speed torque (w) (v) (hz) (a) (rpm) (kg-cm) (n-m) (kg-cm) (n-m) (uf) 90 s9l150gu s9l150guce 4 150 3 ┆ 200 50 cont. 1.0 1250 11.70 1.170 18.0 1.800 - 60 0.9 1500 9.70 0.970 15.0 1.500 s9l150gt s9l150gtce 4 150 3 ┆ 220 50 cont. 1.0 1300 11.30 1.130 22.0 2.200 - 60 0.9 1550 9.40 0.940 19.0 1.900 ♂ "ce" marked at the end of model name indicates that it is thermally protected type which has received ce (file no. e9766002e01, certificate institute : tuv rhinland) with built-in tp. ♂ "tp" marked at the end of the model name indicates that it is standard motor with thermal protector mounted. ♂ there is not marked the 'h' type caused by exclusive use. ♂ 50hzmodel gear ratio 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 10 12.5 15 18 20 25 30 36 40 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180 200 rpm 500 416 300 250 200 166 150 120 100 83 75 60 50 41 37 30 25 20 16 15 12 10 8 7.5 s9kh∴b kg-cm 23.1 27.7 38.5 46.2 57.7 69.3 77.0 86.6 104 125 139 156 187 224 249 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 n-m 2.264 2.717 3.773 4.528 5.660 6.792 7.546 8.489 10.24 12.29 13.65 15.36 18.34 21.97 24.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 ♂ 60hzmodel gear ratio 3 3.6 5 6 7.5 9 10 12.5 15 18 20 25 30 36 40 50 60 75 90 100 120 150 180 200 rpm 600 500 360 300 240 200 180 144 120 100 90 72 60 50 45 36 30 24 20 18 15 12 10 9 s9kh∴b kg-cm 23.2 27.8 38.7 46.4 58.0 69.6 77.4 87.0 104 125 139 156 188 225 250 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 n-m 2.276 2.731 3.793 4.552 5.689 6.827 7.586 8.534 10.24 12.29 13.65 15.36 18.43 22.06 24.52 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 29.42 ♂ the code in ∴ of gearhead model is for gear ratio. ♂ it is the permissible torque of the assembled motor and gearhead. ♂♂color indicates that the output shaft of the geared motor rotates in the same direction as the output shaft of the motor. others indicate rotation in the opposite direction. ♂ rotational speed based on synchronous speed(50hz : 1500rpm, 60hz : 1800rpm) divided by gear ratio. the actual rotation speed is less 2-20% than the displayed value according to the load. ♂ there is not marked the 'h' type caused by exclusive use.


所属分类:中国电工电气网 / 微型电动机
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