供应APA104 内置IC 5050RGB灯珠

更新时间:2014-11-13 09:11:46 信息编号:3005886 发布者IP: 浏览:117次
深圳市色彩光电有限公司业务部 商铺
APA104 内置IC RGB灯珠
+86-755-27350605 -604
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品牌 晶元 型号 apa104-4 加工定制
封装形式 贴片型 金线材料 金线 芯片品牌 晶元
胶体品牌 道康宁 颜色 rgb 形状 方片
适用范围 特种照明,室内照明,背光源,工业照明,景观灯饰 开票类型 增值税发票(此价格未含税) 质保时间 2年
是否提供测试报告 是否提供技术支持 是否通过iso认证
是否通过rohs认证 是否库存现货  

apa104 led

features and benefits
l intelligent reverse connect protection, the power supply reverse connection does not damage the ic.
2 the control circuit and the led share the only power source.
3 control circuit and rgb chip are integrated in a package of 5050 components, form a complete control of pixel point.
4 built-in signal reshaping circuit, after wave reshaping to the next driver, ensure wave-form distortion not accumulate.
5 built-in electric reset circuit and power lost reset circuit.
6 each pixel of the three primary color can achieve 256 brightness display, completed 16777216 color full color display, and scan frequency not less than 400hz/s.
7 cascading port transmission signal by single line.
8 any two point the distance more than 5m transmission signal without any increase circuit.
9 when the refresh rate is 30fps, cascade number are not less than1024 points.
10 send data at speeds of 800kbps. 
l1 the color of the light were highly consistent, cost-effective.. 
l2 full-color module, full color soft lights a lamp strip.
l3 led decorative lighting, indoor/outdoor led video irregular screen. 
general description
apa104 is a intelligent control led light source that the control circuit and rgb chip are integrated in a package of 5050 components. it internal include intelligent digital port data latch and signal reshaping amplification drive circuit. also include a precision internal oscillator and a 12v voltage programmable constant curre-nt control part, effectively ensuring the pixel point light color height consistent.
the data transfer protocol use single nzr communication mode. after the pixel power-on reset, the din  port receive data from controller, the first pixel collect initial 24bit data then sent to the internal data latch,   the other data which reshaping by the internal signal reshaping amplification circuit sent to the next cascade  pixel through the do port. after transmission for each pixel,the signal to reduce 24bit. pixel adopt auto resha-ping transmit technology, making the pixel cascade number is not limited the signal transmission, only depend on the speed of signal transmission.
led with low driving voltage, environmental protection and energy saving, high brightness, scattering angle is large, good consistency, low power, long life and other advantages. the control chip integrated in led   above becoming more simple circuit, small volume, convenient installation.

相关产品:APA104 , 内置IC , RGB灯珠
所属分类:中国照明灯具网 / 装饰灯串
供应APA104 内置IC 5050RGB灯珠的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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