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- 供应商
- 北京艾诺德仪器有限公司 商铺
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- 品牌
- anode/艾诺德
- 型号
- GD201311290006
- 所在地
- 北京 北京市昌平区 沙河高教园青年创业大厦
- 联系电话
- 01057018578
- 手机号
- 15300115229
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one. no major technical index rheometer
1 high precision sensors: 0~20n.m. resolution: 0.001n.m.
2 control system: adopts computer control and interface board foracquisition, storage, processing and printing node test data
fruit and curve processing.
3.旋转系统:采用步进electronics调速电机+振幅调整器。 摆动角度:±0.5o ±1o。
3 rotation system: step electronics speed regulating motor + amplituderegulator. swing angle: ± 0.5o ± 1o.
4 temperature control system: uses the inteligent digital temperature control instrument, automatism real time adjustment of pid control parameters.
温度控制范围 0--200℃ 、 测温控制精度 ≤±0.3℃、温度分辩率 0.1℃。
temperature control range 0--200 ℃, temperature control precision is ± 0.3 ℃, 0.1 ℃ temperature resolution.
5. 数据传输方式:rs232传输
5 data transmission: the transmission of rs232
6.显示方式:vulcanize-105 win-xp测试软件计算机屏幕显示,加上优良的用户
6 display mode: vulcanize105 win-xp test software of computer screen display, excellent user plus
software and advanced hardware equipment makes the wholemeasurement becomes very convenient, quick, accurate and pleasant.
7 cavity: cr6wv material, in line with the requirements of gb/t16584 1996 standard.
control mode: 8 means of humanity, the mouse which or the host paneltouch key two ways of testing
two. no software rotor curing function introduction
the 1 test standard: meet gb/t16584 "rubber - with no rotor curingproperties of vulcanized determination", iso6502
1991及astmd5289-95 。
1991 and astmd528995.
2 test data: the adhesive number set, such as "tire no. 5", "rbs6" etc.. if you need additional title
the name of the print drawings, can be set to any form of title text.
note 3: excellent quality functions function of humanized design can bemodified measurement time during the test,
rubber vulcanized complete estimates for 20 minutes, 20 minutes tomeasure time, do 11 minutes 9 points, 10 points is already finishing vulcanization, then have no need to do, just "to modify the measurement time" under the 20 points to 9 points or 10 points, according to the "send", the experiment immediately stop at 9 or 10 points, to draw a complete vulcanization curve, calculate all data. if the experiment is done18 minutes, 19 minutes to the end of vulcanization curve is still rising,curing is not complete, the experiment must be to do, otherwise the data is the error. it can modify the measurement time of 25 minutes or more,let the experiment continued, until the curing is completed. this functionwill undoubtedly greatly convenient for users, saving time and glue.
4.图形曲线尺度自动化auto scale,测量完成后,软件将根据测量数值大小按0—5
4 the curve scale automatic optimization of auto scale, the measurement is completed, the software will measure the size of the 0 - 5
mv 0—10mv 0-20mv自动调整y标度,使曲线更美观,多曲线对比,完全不同的胶料,不同的曲线形状,不同的测量时间,亦可进行对比。
mv 0 - 10mv 0-20mv to automatically adjust the y scale, the curve is more beautiful, more curve comparison, glue is completely different, the shape of the curve of different, different measured time, can also becompared.
5 database: software pre set 100 number database. each library can bestored in the infinite set of measured data. in the months and yearsdecades later tens of thousands of sets of data query, the user can be in different time data in different databases, this is the address of the database to set.
6 the end of the test automatically archived, testing is completed automatically calculates the t10, t30, t50, t70, t90, ts1, ts2, vc1,vc2,
the maximum torque, minimum torque etc..
三. 无转子硫化仪附件
three. no rotor vulkameter accessories
1. 无转子硫化仪一年保固书及中文操作说明书各一份。
1 no rotor curing one year warranty book and a copy of the chineseoperating instructions.
2. 无转子硫化仪专用测试软件一份。
2 no rotor curing a special test software.
3. 品牌电脑一套、彩色打印机一台。
a set of 3 brand computer, a color printer.
four. no major count index rheometer
1: 0 ℃ temperature range 200 ℃
2.测温精度:≤ ±0.3℃
2: the measurement precision is ± 0.3 ℃
3.控温精度:≤ ±0.3℃
3: temperature control precision is ± 0.3 ℃
4 temperature: 0.1 ℃ resolution
5.力矩量程:0-10n.m 0-20n.m
the 5 torque range: 010n.m 020n.m
the 6 torque resolution: 0.001n.m
7 cavity frequency: 1.7hz
8.振幅:±0.5o ±1o
amplitude: 8 ± 0.5o ± 1o
9. 环境温度:0-35℃相对湿度<80%
9: 035 ℃ ambient temperature relative humidity <80%
10 vulcanization time setting range: 2300min
11 valve 0.5mpa
12.电源 交流220v 800w
12 power to ac 220v 800w
13 sizes: 660 x 580 x 1300mm
14 the machine weight: about 210kg.
更多详细参数请致电客服:01057018578 ;
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