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石城县恒昌有色矿山机械厂 商铺
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product overview:

ordinary glass steel spiral chute rotary movement of the water in the expansion of the results of the outer edge; near the inner edge of laminar flow often occur with dehydration.resulting stratification is difficult to be effective, an increase in the amount of ore, concentrate plant to join the institute to the surface in the groove groove the way to improve this situation, the effective delivery of the mineral enrichment ratio, increasing the recovery of heavy minerals.0.3-0.02 mm for the fine particle size sorting of iron, tin, tungsten, tantalum, niobium, gold, coal, monazite, rutile, zircon, and the proportion of the poor have enough other metal, non-metallic minerals, theministry of metallurgy of the relevant research, design, universities and factories, mines and other units were identified by that the device performance, the advanced sorting index to determine promote the use of mass production.
 product structure and material :

  fiberglass spiral chute absorbed by the splitter to the mine, to mine shafts, spiral groove, product interception tank, hopper and tank bracket product concentration (including the christian cross or the tripod) and other six parts.by the screw into the spiral groove connection piece is the main component.spiral steel sheet is made of glass (glass fiber reinforced plastic), connected together by bolts, screw groove surface with a layer of pre-sorting the wear layer.it has a light, strong, durable consumer goods advantages.above the spiral groove has a multi-tube divider points to the mine ore uniform uniform, control is simple.sub-ore for a free cross placed in the branch table (or tripod) on.sharing of the slurry through the first installed in the spiral groove to the mine shafts end to the spiral groove slowly to the surface for separation.the end of the spiral groove in a valve block mounted a new product tank to the interception of a new product sorting by grade into three along the radial (or four) new products.block with a control valve to change the location of the interception of the width of the new products.concentration of new products is a concentric ring bucket cylinder, mine would have been intercepted long collection of export flow, respectively.spiral chute cross-section, the slope changes in fine particulate materials particularly suitable for sorting.spiral chute has a simple structure, no moving parts, light weight, the noise element, configuration, installation and convenient maintenance.

1 - channel steel frame; 2 - to the mine shafts; 3 - spiral chute;
4 - product interceptor; 5 - pick mine shafts; 6 - sub-ore bucket


schematic diagram of spiral chute groove blade
 products should be scope:
  slurry flow near the vortex generated when the groove edge, and seam thickness, strengthening the role of the loose layer, from the coarse-grained light precipitation belt over the groove towards the outer edge of minerals, heavy minerals and the bottom groove oriented along the flow of theedge.results in reduced ore and concentrates increased metal recovery.the following table lists the groove groove spiral chute with and without treatment hematite grading gongchangling false test comparing the results of industrial grit (a coarse, a fine process.)

chute type
 feed grade
 concentrate recovery%
 sorting efficiency%
add groove
without groove




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江西省石城县恒昌有色矿山机械厂拥有十多年矿山设备生产历史,是集设计、开发、生产、经营为一体的产业化实体,技术力量雄厚,产品开发和加工能力强,检测手段先进,产品质量可靠。公司采用先进的 ...
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