更新:2016-03-02 09:45 编号:28254 浏览:215次- 供应商
- 重庆智仁发电设备有限责任公司 商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第19年主体名称:重庆智仁发电设备有限责任公司组织机构代码:9150010770935376XJ
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 品牌
- 重庆智仁
- 机组型号
- GF8D/M
- 频率
- 50/60(Hz)
- 所在地
- 中国 重庆市 九龙坡区金凤电子信息产业园金凤路108号
- 联系电话
- 023-68615411
- 手机号
- 13508390559
- 副总经理
- 张兵 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
品牌 | 重庆智仁 | 机组型号 | GF8D/M |
频率 | 50/60(Hz) | 额定功率 | 8(kW) |
额定电压 | 230(V) | 相数 | 单相 |
发动机型号 | GX620 | 起动方式 | 电启动 |
产品认证 | ISO9001:2000 |
◆the import gasoline actuates, the structure is compact; the volume is small, the weight is light, compared to similar gasoline generator is lighter about 30%.
◆do not need complex and losingenergy installment of the common generator, such as the exci-ting winding, the exciter and the avr pressure regulator. the efficiency and the power factorare higher approximately 20% than the import ordinary generator.
◆ultra strong overload capacity, may start the close self capacity of perceptual loads, such asups power source, air conditioning, electric motor and so on. biggest overflow ability reaches
◆good stability to impact or reduce the load voltage suddenly, the voltage wave pace is under 0.5%, the profile distortion factor is not bigger than 2%. the precision instrument and the measu-ring appliance may be used feelingrelieved.
◆continual full load movement of electrical machinery, the temperature raise is not ultra 50℃,
solved the question of superheat when the generator moves in a long time and full load
◆uses the rare earth permanent magnetism technology, exempts the maintenance design, the rel-iability is high, when movement is no spark occurred. without the harmonic interference, it isthe ideal power source of the communication safeguard and the open country construction.
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