滑动水口缸 工程用液压缸

信息编号:269468 浏览:228次
广东天恒液压机械有限公司 商铺
86 751 8736666
孙少杰  请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多


类型 工程用液压缸 安装形式 尾部耳环式、中间铰轴式、前铰轴式、前法兰式、后法兰式、底脚式
型号 THY 压力范围 10-25(MPa)
品牌 来电咨询 适用范围 来电咨询
产品别名 来电咨询 速度范围 来电咨询(m/s)
Zui大冲程 来电咨询(mm) 缸径 来电咨询(mm)
杆径 来电咨询(mm) 速比 来电咨询

guangdong tianheng hydraulic machinery co., ltd. is a high tech. stock company integrating r& d, production, sales and service of hydraulic and pneumatic products. the total investment is cny 50 million and the total building area is more than 11,000 sqm. including factory building area more than 8,000 sqm. and office and comprehensive building area more than 3,000 sqm.

the company owns first class production and office environment, advanced production line and inspection machines. the whole production course from incoming of raw material to delivery of finished product is carried out according to national and international standards so as to ensure the quality of product and win the trust and support of mass of customers. the products are widely used in the fields of metallurgy, shipping, aviation, petroleum, chemical industry, mine, port, transport, water and power supply, construction and light industry, etc.

the company always sticks to the operation concept of being customer-based, innovative and sharing the market with advanced productive forces. the quality policy of our company is to strengthen the quality control and provide the customers with satisfied product and service. we adhere to advanced technology and innovative concept and continue to strengthen the management inside enterprise and go forward with time. we will provide customers with quality products and perfect service as before.

facing new competition situation and economic globalization, tianheng hydraulic machinery co., ltd. will take the pursuit for outstanding quality as target and be innovative and enterprising, lead the market on the basis of high tech and go out to the world while setting the foot in the homeland. welcome new and regular customers to our company for technical development and economic cooperation.

所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 液压缸
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