

信息编号:2642031 浏览:219次
东莞市踏浪工业设计有限公司 商铺
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tlidea design is a leading industrial design, interior design, graphic design and brand design services provider, is committed to providing creative human health life, high- living space and life services, contribution to the prosperity of mankind's society.

tlidea design present under to suppose:tlidea industrial design, tlidea indoor design, tlidea plane design, tlidea electron, tlidea jade, tlidea  mold, tlidea packing, tlidea plan, tlidea marketing and so on 9 big service tectonic plates, has many to be listed strategy partner intelligence. many brand's products and the service combination, molded has tlidea design high , the high grade market prestige. at the same time, tlidea design to use the domestic and foreign capital market to launch a series of industrial conformity and the reorganization merger and ac, the introduction international capital market supervision and the appraisal mechanism, the perfect resources deployment system, the management construction and the operational mechanism, promotes the enterprise competitive power continually. 

as you know the history can be traced back to 2004, is engaged in the design strength of the enterprise, over the years has been a leader in the design industry. starting from interior design, treading around customers and the needs of society, as well as potential opportunities for development, established a wide range of development patterns related to industrial design, graphic design, hand model and mold making and other business areas, in the course of expanding and global clients in consumer electronics, home appliances, mobile phone, massage device, decoration, advertising, and even the brand's extensive cooperation, lasting value for customers and investors and all relevant rights and interests。

tlidea design not only sustained promotion of sound management governance structure, improvement of financial structure and risk management capabilities, but always be talent as treading on the present and the future of the core resources, identify and nurture talent received adequate attention.

design advocacy respecting nature as long as you know, make the best use of natural forces to shape their own lives, to shape, so that people and nature live in harmony relationships for the better, as you know the source of life value is derived from the vast spatio-temporal and all mankind. the pathway to the "integrity, teamwork, professionalism, innovation" as its enterprise spirit, embodies the social value, enterprise value, staff value the unity of the three. integrity is the pathway to the character, any kind of management actions to market rules to guide it is treading on the social value of the standard; the team is treading on the enterprise culture of open communication to management mode, and candid, sunshine, transparent culture, this is treading on the base of the organization; professional is required in the pursuit of excellence, efficiency, everything, every task。

ambitions, the service, tlidea design with you to create a better future !

所属分类:中国商务服务网 / 其他设计
高端自行车,摩托车头盔外观设计,结构设计,工业设计的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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主要经营:手板制作 ; 外观设计 ; 结构设计 ; 工业设计 ; 自动化设计 ; 包装设计 ; 平面设计
东莞市踏浪工业设计有限公司位于广东东莞市桥头镇东平大道,主营外观设计、结构设计、工业设计、手板模型制作等。公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎 ...
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