胶装联动线 (胶装机) (胶装龙)

信息编号:2640977 浏览:540次
深圳市欧信宝机械设备有限公司 商铺
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manufacturer müller martini
type acoro a7
year 2009
impressions n/a
size 305 x 430 mm
status on stock
price on request
incoterms fca
perfectbinder müller martini acoro a7
main counter: approax 4,700 h book counter: 4,920,001
gathering 3693 9 stations
year 2009 asac & asir iii optional: upgrade to 15 stations (2 x 3693 units available)
perfectbinder acoro a7 year 2009 min book size: 100mm x 140 mm max book size: 305mm x 430 mm min book block thickness: 3 mm max book block thickness: 60 mm mechanical speed: 7,000 cycles/hour 22 x clamps hotmelt spine and side glue 2.premelter tanks 80 & 18 l lay down device
several transport belts
trimmer merit-s year 2009
stacker cb 16
manufacturer müller martini
type acoro a7
year 2009
impressions n/a
size 305 x 430 mm
status on stock
price on request
incoterms fca
perfectbinder müller martini acoro a7
main counter: approax 4,700 h book counter: 4,920,001
gathering 3693 9 stations
year 2009 asac & asir iii optional: upgrade to 15 stations (2 x 3693 units available)
perfectbinder acoro a7 year 2009 min book size: 100mm x 140 mm max book size: 305mm x 430 mm min book block thickness: 3 mm max book block thickness: 60 mm mechanical speed: 7,000 cycles/hour 22 x clamps hotmelt spine and side glue 2.premelter tanks 80 & 18 l lay down device
several transport belts
trimmer merit-s year 2009
stacker cb 16
manufacturer müller martini
type acoro a7
year 2009
impressions n/a
size 305 x 430 mm
status on stock
price on request
incoterms fca
perfectbinder müller martini acoro a7
main counter: approax 4,700 h book counter: 4,920,001
gathering 3693 9 stations
year 2009 asac & asir iii optional: upgrade to 15 stations (2 x 3693 units available)
perfectbinder acoro a7 year 2009 min book size: 100mm x 140 mm max book size: 305mm x 430 mm min book block thickness: 3 mm max book block thickness: 60 mm mechanical speed: 7,000 cycles/hour 22 x clamps hotmelt spine and side glue 2.premelter tanks 80 & 18 l lay down device
several transport belts
trimmer merit-s year 2009
stacker cb 16
manufacturer müller martini
type acoro a7
year 2009
impressions n/a
size 305 x 430 mm
status on stock
price on request
incoterms fca
perfectbinder müller martini acoro a7
main counter: approax 4,700 h book counter: 4,920,001
gathering 3693 9 stations
year 2009 asac & asir iii optional: upgrade to 15 stations (2 x 3693 units available)
perfectbinder acoro a7 year 2009 min book size: 100mm x 140 mm max book size: 305mm x 430 mm min book block thickness: 3 mm max book block thickness: 60 mm mechanical speed: 7,000 cycles/hour 22 x clamps hotmelt spine and side glue 2.premelter tanks 80 & 18 l lay down device
several transport belts
trimmer merit-s year 2009
stacker cb 16
manufacturer müller martini
type acoro a7
year 2009
impressions n/a
size 305 x 430 mm
status on stock
price on request
incoterms fca
perfectbinder müller martini acoro a7
main counter: approax 4,700 h book counter: 4,920,001
gathering 3693 9 stations
year 2009 asac & asir iii optional: upgrade to 15 stations (2 x 3693 units available)
perfectbinder acoro a7 year 2009 min book size: 100mm x 140 mm max book size: 305mm x 430 mm min book block thickness: 3 mm max book block thickness: 60 mm mechanical speed: 7,000 cycles/hour 22 x clamps hotmelt spine and side glue 2.premelter tanks 80 & 18 l lay down device
several transport belts
trimmer merit-s year 2009
stacker cb 16
manufacturer müller martini
type acoro a7
year 2009
impressions n/a
size 305 x 430 mm
status on stock
price on request
incoterms fca
perfectbinder müller martini acoro a7
main counter: approax 4,700 h book counter: 4,920,001
gathering 3693 9 stations
year 2009 asac & asir iii optional: upgrade to 15 stations (2 x 3693 units available)
perfectbinder acoro a7 year 2009 min book size: 100mm x 140 mm max book size: 305mm x 430 mm min book block thickness: 3 mm max book block thickness: 60 mm mechanical speed: 7,000 cycles/hour 22 x clamps hotmelt spine and side glue 2.premelter tanks 80 & 18 l lay down device
several transport belts
trimmer merit-s year 2009
stacker cb 16
manufacturer müller martini
type acoro a7
year 2009
impressions n/a
size 305 x 430 mm
status on stock
price on request
incoterms fca
perfectbinder müller martini acoro a7
main counter: approax 4,700 h book counter: 4,920,001
gathering 3693 9 stations
year 2009 asac & asir iii optional: upgrade to 15 stations (2 x 3693 units available)
perfectbinder acoro a7 year 2009 min book size: 100mm x 140 mm max book size: 305mm x 430 mm min book block thickness: 3 mm max book block thickness: 60 mm mechanical speed: 7,000 cycles/hour 22 x clamps hotmelt spine and side glue 2.premelter tanks 80 & 18 l lay down device
several transport belts
trimmer merit-s year 2009
stacker cb 16

"胶装联动线 (胶装机) (胶装龙)"的类型为装订机,设备生产产地是德国,型号为A7,品牌是马天尼,产品数量为2,新旧程度是8成新,设备所在地为东莞

所属分类:中国二手设备网 / 二手纸加工设备
胶装联动线 (胶装机) (胶装龙)的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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主要经营:二手折页机 , 二手胶装机 ,二手骑订龙, 二手切纸机 ,二手骑马联动线
本公司主要经营二手折页机、胶装机、骑订龙、切纸机、骑马联动线、打钉机等二手印刷设备销售回收及售后服务等。本公司秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取”的经营理念,坚持“客户第一”的原则为广大客户提供优质的服务。欢迎 ...
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