纬纱检测器 大量生产加工ROJ TE400 Cmatic

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 在触摸屏控制电脑中选择te400 cmatic程序,可以实时与织布机进行数据通讯。随时监控着每一纬的运行状况,达到全自动化控制领域的巅峰。

the touchscreen controloptionste400 cmaticcomputerprogram,real-timedata communicationwith theweavingmachine.time to time monitortheoperational status ofeachlatitude, reachingthe pinnacle ofallautomation and control.


new microcontroller based weft detector for rapier looms.

rxhfz-tx-can2.0 can directly replace roj te400 cmatic weft detector

the rxhfz-tx-can2.0 is a piezo-electric weft yarn detectors with a current output signal proportional to the number of wefts running at the same time. it can perform as a single filling insertion control or a double filling insertion control (anti-2 and anti-3 functions). the configuration may have 8 eyelets.

the rxhfz-tx-can2.0 has been developed to meet the requirements of those weaving companies which often change articles or weave different yarn types at the same time.

rxhfz-tx-can2.0 advantages

advantages for the weaver

          leonardo – vamatex - alpha – somet  

n.b. in some case a software update from the loom manufacturer may be required.

automatic sensitivity adjustment(patent pending)
a signal provided by the loom control-board, synchronised with the end of weft control, allows separate eyelet automatic sensitivity adjustment and optimised for specific yarns working parameters. a couple of picks for each weft are necessary to obtain the best sensitivity adjustment.

all the flexibility of can-bus
rxhfz-tx-can2.0 will interface any loom with full-can standard bus, for set-up data transfer or runtime information exchange.

output signal
current output signal: three different current levels depending on the number of yarns simultaneously moving.

rxhfz-tx-can2.0 technical specifications

eyelets   8

hole diameter    >= 7 mm

workable yarns:   monofilament and multifilament >= 18 dtex

spun yarns <= ne 120

silk or similar >= 15 dtex

voltage supply:   rectified and filtered supply, ranging from 15 to 30 vdc.

less than2.2v peak to peak ripple voltage

(frequency <= 120 hz)

current supply:   <= 200 ma @30vdc, output not activated.

current output signal:   0 ma for no weft running.

2.75 ma for one weft running

5.5 ma for two wefts running at the same time.

11.0 ma for three or more wefts running at the same time

current tolerance: ± 10 %

this output signal is protected against any short circuit

to positive, negative and sensitivity wires.

connector:   standard db9 shell connector

mechanical fixing:   two shock absorbers must be used to mount the weft detector directly on the loom’s frame (included).

physical dimension:   length 218 /mm

height 52.5 mm (without shock absorber)

width 54.2 mm

"纬纱检测器 大量生产加工ROJ TE400 Cmatic"的型号为TE400Cmatic,功用是CMATIC通讯,纬纱检测器,品牌为RXHFZ-TX-CAN2.0,种类是织机配件,加工定制为是

所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 纺机配件
纬纱检测器 大量生产加工ROJ TE400 Cmatic的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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主要经营:纬纱检测器 ; 纺织器材 ; 电子板 ; 电磁铁 ; 编码器 ; 纺机配件 ; 选纬线圈 ; 控制线路板
主要经营纬纱检测器,电路板,编码器,纺机配件、纺织器材、多臂电磁铁、接近开关、选纬线圈、控制线路板、液晶屏、PICANOL配件、Sullzer配件、Leonardo配件、Alpha配件、K88配件、纺 ...
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