
木窗 整套窗 兴业门窗

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厦门富景兴业工贸有限公司 商铺
中国 福建 厦门市湖里区 厦门市湖里区枋湖东二里5号706
86 592 2967308
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  xiamen fujingxingye industrial & trade co.,ltd was established in june 2004, is a professional manufacturing high-grade plastic steel windows and doors, aluminum windows and doors, upvc fence, hardware accessories,and iron products. since its establish the company has been based on the domestic market and expand overseas business, with excellent products we get recognition from home and abroad,.our clients are from the u.s.a, germany, italy, russia, the middle east, southeast asia and other countries.
" sticking with the firm belief of "doing a professional job with a professional mind" and the principle of excellent customer service.fujing xingye industrial & trade co.,ltd are striving to achieve only the highest of standards and would very much like to introduce our company and products to you. we will work hard to expand and improve its business and would like to be your creditable business partner.
  xiamen fujingxingye industrial & trade co.,ltd was established in june 2004, is a professional manufacturing high-grade plastic steel windows and doors, aluminum windows and doors, upvc fence, hardware accessories,and iron products. since its establish the company has been based on the domestic market and expand overseas business, with excellent products we get recognition from home and abroad,.our clients are from the u.s.a, germany, italy, russia, the middle east, southeast asia and other countries.
" sticking with the firm belief of "doing a professional job with a professional mind" and the principle of excellent customer service.fujing xingye industrial & trade co.,ltd are striving to achieve only the highest of standards and would very much like to introduce our company and products to you. we will work hard to expand and improve its business and would like to be your creditable business partner.
  xiamen fujingxingye industrial & trade co.,ltd was established in june 2004, is a professional manufacturing high-grade plastic steel windows and doors, aluminum windows and doors, upvc fence, hardware accessories,and iron products. since its establish the company has been based on the domestic market and expand overseas business, with excellent products we get recognition from home and abroad,.our clients are from the u.s.a, germany, italy, russia, the middle east, southeast asia and other countries.
" sticking with the firm belief of "doing a professional job with a professional mind" and the principle of excellent customer service.fujing xingye industrial & trade co.,ltd are striving to achieve only the highest of standards and would very much like to introduce our company and products to you. we will work hard to expand and improve its business and would like to be your creditable business partner.
  xiamen fujingxingye industrial & trade co.,ltd was established in june 2004, is a professional manufacturing high-grade plastic steel windows and doors, aluminum windows and doors, upvc fence, hardware accessories,and iron products. since its establish the company has been based on the domestic market and expand overseas business, with excellent products we get recognition from home and abroad,.our clients are from the u.s.a, germany, italy, russia, the middle east, southeast asia and other countries.
" sticking with the firm belief of "doing a professional job with a professional mind" and the principle of excellent customer service.fujing xingye industrial & trade co.,ltd are striving to achieve only the highest of standards and would very much like to introduce our company and products to you. we will work hard to expand and improve its business and would like to be your creditable business partner.
  xiamen fujingxingye industrial & trade co.,ltd was established in june 2004, is a professional manufacturing high-grade plastic steel windows and doors, aluminum windows and doors, upvc fence, hardware accessories,and iron products. since its establish the company has been based on the domestic market and expand overseas business, with excellent products we get recognition from home and abroad,.our clients are from the u.s.a, germany, italy, russia, the middle east, southeast asia and other countries.
" sticking with the firm belief of "doing a professional job with a professional mind" and the principle of excellent customer service.fujing xingye industrial & trade co.,ltd are striving to achieve only the highest of standards and would very much like to introduce our company and products to you. we will work hard to expand and improve its business and would like to be your creditable business partner.
  xiamen fujingxingye industrial & trade co.,ltd was established in june 2004, is a professional manufacturing high-grade plastic steel windows and doors, aluminum windows and doors, upvc fence, hardware accessories,and iron products. since its establish the company has been based on the domestic market and expand overseas business, with excellent products we get recognition from home and abroad,.our clients are from the u.s.a, germany, italy, russia, the middle east, southeast asia and other countries.
" sticking with the firm belief of "doing a professional job with a professional mind" and the principle of excellent customer service.fujing xingye industrial & trade co.,ltd are striving to achieve only the highest of standards and would very much like to introduce our company and products to you. we will work hard to expand and improve its business and would like to be your creditable business partner.


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主要经营:铝合金门窗 ; 塑钢门窗 ; PVC护栏 ; 铁艺产品
厦门富景兴业工贸有限公司成立于2004年6月份,是一家专业生产制造高档塑钢门窗,铝合金门窗、UPVC护栏,五金配件,铁艺产品的企业。公司自成立以来一直立足国内市场,同时拓展海外业务,产品以优良的品质获 ...
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