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activated carbon fiber in nonferrous metal on the aspects

our country is in the study began 8o new technology, research progress, and very quickly began in the 1980s, the current domestic industrialization has already formed the annual production capacity of 600 tons. because of activated carbon fiber superior adsorption. in industrial and agricultural production and daily life field application. the products are exported to korea, taiwan and southeast asia, etc. in recent years, activated carbon fiber in nonferrous metal industry raw fibrous preprocessing carbon fiber can rapid progress. based on the characteristics and activated carbon fiber in nonferrous metal industry application to make a brief introduction.

carbon fiber production principle and characteristics

carbon fiber production principle, activated carbon fiber is by organic chemistry raw material (such as polyacrylonitrile, pad, etc) and polyvinyl alcohol (pva) by carbonization and activation further. compared with the particle activated carbon fibers, adsorption capacity is 10 times greater than 100 times faster, adsorption, absorption function of efficient activated carbon fiber to help it developed. the microporous structure, even the tiny holes in the lo microns. most in this new material of each section of the microporous evenly with carbon fibre per gram. have 100 million microporous activated carbon, particle adsorption capacity, and the small adsorption slow, because of the large, medium and small structure. and aperture is deep. hole is too big, and became the only channel, adsorption, hole is too deep, delaying the absorption rate. in addition, active carbon fibre has molding, powder, regeneration easy (in temperature 100 ° c hot steam or hot air condition can be completely regenerated), regeneration speed (5-15 minutes), easy processing, cloth, silk carpet into paper, etc. and regenerating activated carbon particles and demanding conditions after the adsorption ability.

carbon fiber in nonferrous metal industry application

activated carbon fibers used in coal slurry in domestic gold, has obtained the patent. the test results greatly shortened significantly, gold, and carbon fiber low wear rate, reduce the loss of gold, easy to regenerate, repeated use efficiency is lower. this process is domestic some scientific research units and industrial experiments, currently has entered the industrialization.

activated carbon fibers used in nonferrous metal industry wastewater discharge of phenolic, arsenic, chromium, mercury, tin, copper, all have very big adsorption with carbon fibre. adsorption device can be made, and the simple process miniaturization ", renewable easily, can better handling such wastewater. this kind of wastewater treatment plant has been used in china for carbon fiber. the non-ferrous metal industry waste gas treatment with active carbon fibre, non-ferrous metal industry management of sulfur dioxide emissions of low concentration of chlorine gas and low exhaust, is developed in recent years. new technologies in the northwest institute of metallurgy using carbon fiber adsorption with a low concentration of analytical method of sulfur dioxide emissions small experiment research, gives satisfactory results. also launched a catalyst with carbon fibre adsorption process (generating by-products processing of ancient rare hydrochloric acid) low concentration of chlorine gas new method research. also have achieved remarkable results.

activated carbon fibers used to make labor protection articles using active carbon fibre excellent adsorption, desorption performance. made of labor protection articles, non-ferrous metal industry in various toxic post had applied. the non-ferrous metal industry according to the special needs of antivirus. northwest institute has developed to produce labor vol.39, masks, applicable to all kinds of organic waste gases (such as phenols) jobs. applicable to so2, sulfuric acid fog mercury, lead, chromium, etc xi dust emissions jobs. suitable for chlorine gas and hydrogen fluorine, suitable jobs, hydrogen gas jobs. the use of labor and easy to carry, mask protective effect. in nonferrous metal industry to promote the use of toxic post by popular.















compared with the activated carbon fiber

carbon fiber is also called fibrous activated carbon, is a new generation of high activity adsorption materials and environmental protection function of active material is updated products. high technology content and high value-added products is the main feature, can make the adsorption equipment miniaturized, adsorptive layer thin layer, adsorption leaks, high efficiency, energy-saving, economic, can complete granular activated carbon, the work is not any other type of carbon fiber and incomparable outstanding performance, environmental protection and material activity adsorption of engineering materials.

carbon fiber (acf) is to use natural fiber or man-made fibre made by carbonization of organic chemistry. the main ingredients of carbon atoms. carbon atoms mainly similar graphite microchips, exists in the form of stacked layers.

acf another striking structure has been developed area, rich micro pore. general activated carbon fiber (acf) of the surface of 1000-1600m2 / g, pore volume of about 90%, its tiny holes for 10-40a.

product performance

1, adsorption capacity: organic material, foul stench gas (so2, no2, axle, h2s, nh3, co and co2) the adsorption quantity and large powdered carbon than 20-30 times.

the solution of inorganic materials, fuels, organic matter and heavy metal ions adsorption ratio granular, powder activated high above 8 times.

on the microorganisms and bacteria have excellent adsorption ability. e. coli (such as the absorption rate can reach 94% - 99).

low concentrations of fine quality adsorption ability adsorption. as for ppm adsorption remain high adsorption capacity. but in the gac adsorption materials often low concentration of adsorption ability greatly reduced.

2 and adsorption speed: gas adsorption in general for several seconds to a few minutes to achieve higher than the gac adsorption balance, 2-3 orders of magnitude.

3, fast, easy attached with 120 degrees - regenerative: 150 degrees c hot air heating 10-30 minutes off completely. at times, still keep adsorption process of adsorption performance.

4, good performance is good: inert gases in high-temperature 1000 ° c above, in the air in the ignition 500 deg c.

5, acid and alkali resistance, good conductive properties and chemical stability.

6 and the method of less: it"s only for the gac compared.superconductive carbon-black of recycling substances one-tenth of catalysis

所属分类:中国冶金矿产网 / 稀有金属矿产
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