牛角面包 羊角面包 黄油可颂

更新时间:2012-12-06 16:37:41 信息编号:2150325 发布者IP: 浏览:149次
天津永野旭堂食品有限公司 商铺
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主要食材:高筋粉 黄油 鸡蛋


存储条件:冷冻 -18摄氏度








口味:香甜 外酥内软







材料:高筋粉白砂糖天然黄油 鲜酵母 净蛋 精盐 BF-23水



1.解冻,解冻有三种方式:A、使用冻藏发酵机:可以自动完成解冻并进行醒发。B、冷藏解冻法:温度3-5℃,湿度75%-85%解冻 C、室温解冻法:先放置在室温解冻,表面微湿到干就进醒发箱发酵,太早放进醒发箱也不好,会影响中心部位产生水汽而导致面团组织不好。解冻温度为15℃-20℃ 2.将解冻好的面包放入醒发箱进行醒发 常规醒发时间为45分钟(具体醒发温度与醒发时间请根据实际情况进行操作)
























1.材料:干酵母1又1/3小匙 高筋面粉180克 低筋面粉 20克

糖1大匙 蛋 1个 温水105克 盐1/2小匙

麦其琳(植物黄油,包入用)100克 牛奶适量(刷面包表皮用)



















Chinese Name: croissant

English Name: CROISSANT

Product code:

Category: Danish pastry

Main ingredients: high gluten flour butter eggs

Thawing thawing proofing proofing:

Storage conditions: frozen at -18 Centigrade

Traffic condition: -18 degrees Celsius refrigerated vehicle

Manufacturer: Tianjin Nagano Xudo food limited company

Factory address: Tianjin city

Contact: 022-83989466

Packaging specifications:

Carton size:


Taste: sweet and savoury

Features: in France are very popular " corn bread " ( CROISSANT ), not originated in France, but from other countries "import ". Strictly speaking, in France, the bread is bread, which is what the French called Pain, such as people familiar with French bread ( Baguette ); however, such as " corn bread " butter bread roll, is known as " the French Vienna sweet bread or pastry "

( Viennoiserie ), somewhat similar to our donut or American Donuts, chocolate, jam, butter, raisins and other flavors.

And " Vienna sweet bread or cookies ", the most famous, is like crescent moon type " croissant ". The meniscus bread design inspiration, legends confused cloud, most people call is from the Turkey army a staff of Turkey " ".

Material: high gluten flour sugar natural butter fresh yeast net egg salt water BF-23


1 thawing, thaw in three ways: A, the use of frozen fermentation machine: can be done automatically thawing and proofing. B, freezing thawing method: temperature 3 - 5 Centigrade, humidity is 75% - 85% C at room temperature, thawing thawing method: first placed in the thawing at room temperature, surface wet to dry into a prover fermentation, early into the prover is not good, will affect the central parts of the water causes the dough tissue is not good. Thaw the optimum temperature is 15Centigrade -20 Centigrade, 2 will be thawed good bread into the prover for proofing conventional proofing time is 45 minutes ( specific proofing temperature and time of fermentation based on the actual situation of the operation )

2 ( the final proofing proofing )

Dough proofing time for the last 75 minutes.

( 1) the proofing time according to the status and use of yeast dough is different, there will be a little bit error, to take the bread volume as the standard, is about 2 times of that of the original. Bread proofing excessive, internal organization is not good, coarse grains, epidermal stay white, slightly sour taste, storage time, proofing, bread, small volume, top to form a layer of shell, epidermal reddish brown, skin side as coke burning phenomenon.

( 2) proofing temperature is the reference value, the difference of climate, the temperature can be adjusted.

( 3) there are many bakeries are made by boiling the water proofing chamber, to provide a temperature and humidity, boiling water is often followed the humidity is too large, some people also mistakenly thought that the temperature of the bigger the better, in fact, the humidity is too general to make bread epidermis appeared bubble, and skin toughness is too big, effect appearance and eating quality.

3 roast

Reference temperature:

1: lit, baking temperature 190 degrees Celsius, under the fire of 190 degrees C, baking time: 10-12 minutes.

2: lit, baking temperature 190 degrees Celsius, under the fire of 200 degrees C, baking time: 10-12 minutes.

3: lit, baking temperature 180 degrees Celsius, under the fire of 180 degrees C, baking time: 10-12 minutes.

4: lit, baking temperature 180 degrees Celsius, under the fire of 180 degrees C, baking time: 10-12 minutes.

( 1) baking to time, temperature is not immutable and frozen, but according to different properties of oven be adjusted, such as 60 grams of bread dough, baking bread for 10-12 minutes, the center temperature can reach 100 degrees Celsius, fully mature, according to the oven temperature change.

( 2) when baking oven temperature to set the right, in a desired period of time to bake a soft, porous, easy to digest and aromatic taste delicious food.

( 3) if the temperature is too high, the crust formed early, will weaken the baking rapid expansion. Limit the expansion of the bread dough, small volume, the internal organization of large holes, particles too small, at the same time, high temperature, easy to make the epidermis and epidermal coking black bubble.

( 4) if the temperature is too low, will extend the baking time, make skin drying, a crust of bread is too thick and too much moisture evaporation, increasing baking loss. ( in particular the baking temperature and time of fermentation based on the actual situation of the operation )


Nagano Xudo food manufacturers for high-end restaurant Chinese restaurant, bakery, coffee shop, business super, west cake, pizza, pastry shop outlets. All products only need to defrost prover then baked edible, convenient, fast, green, environmental protection, health, delicious.



1 material: dry yeast 1 and 1/3 teaspoon of high gluten flour 180 g flour 20 g

Sugar 1 tbsp egg of 1 warm water 105 grams of salt and 1/2 teaspoon

Wheat Qilin ( margarine, pack into ) 100 grams of milk amount ( bread skin with brush )

2 yeast soluble in warm water, and high gluten flour, low-gluten flour, sugar, eggs, salt and mix together,

Croissant other series ( 18 pieces)

Knead the dough

3 wrapped in plastic wrap, put a warm damp place fermentation to 2-2.5 times bigger than.

4 Mcelyn with a fresh bag, using the rolling pin will play against it several times, then roll into a regular quadrilateral

Table 5 flour, will good fermented dough piece of dough, roll out the Mcelyn length is three times the width of the slightly wider than, just a little.

Will Mcelyn on the patch, on both sides of the sheet folded over, the parcel. The two hold, so that, wheat Qilin package to patch.

. with plastic wrap, placed in the refrigerator chamber rest for 20 minutes

6 remove relaxation good folding sheet, table sprinkled with dry flour, rolled into a sheet, the seventy percent off, wrapped in plastic wrap, once again into the refrigerator relaxation 10-15 minutes; so a total of three times repeated.

The last seventy percent off after 20-30 minutes into the fridge, relaxation. Remove, rolling into a 0.3CM thick patch.

Finishing 7 shapes: will patch with wheel knife into triangular patch, edge cutting an incision, the patch from the bottom up

8 rows of baking, brush a layer of milk. Put a warm damp for final fermentation.

9 fermentation is completed, ( hand to press the dough, inelastic can), preheat the oven 190 degrees, under fire, the middle of the oven, about 20 minutes, enough to surface.

所属分类:中国食品饮料网 / 速冻食品
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