橄榄正方锆石 人工宝石 心形双平面锆石 2*2 12*12

信息编号:1815340 浏览:99次
陈志敏 商铺
86 0774 2307890
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品牌:【寒武纪工艺品】 种类:手镯、手环 样式:男女通用
材质:锆石材料 风格:韩版/韩式/韩款 造型:几何型
处理工艺:镶宝石 保健功能:抗疲劳 包装:散装
适用送礼场合:其他 加印LOGO:可以 是否提供加工定制:是




hanwujigemscompany can make and supply all kinds of synthetic gemstone in aaa, aa and a grade, sizes available from 1.0mm to 100mm. our gems company is having kept the style of traditional burnishing technology and been accordance with the fashion in modern-day. our products are all burnished accurately and base of high quality. our gems company is manufacturing and processing synthetic gemstones with abundant shapes and sizes, in round, oval, pear, heart, marquise, square, baguette, octagon, triangle, tap baguette, star, plum, flower, cross, leaf, ax, saddle, drop, facet, facet bead and any other special shapes upon customer"s design

hanwujigemscompany is processing and exporting many kinds of high quality synthetic gemstone for a long time by the ways of continual exploring and developing new ideas. we appreciate processing with supplied pattern, processing according to supplied samples and processing with supplied materials upon your specification. we always obey the rule of mutual beneficial and equality and be willing to establish friendly relationship with any other gems company from different places.

please being kindly contact with us, we"ll send the detailed information which you need. our company promise that you will be satisfied with our service.

电话\tel::+086 774 2307890

传真\ fax:+086 774 3884680





q q联系:283812488

s i z e:(m m)

round size (mm)圆 形

1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75

4.00 4.25 4.50 4.75 5.00 5.25 5.50 5.75 6.00 6.25 6.50 6.75

7.00 7.25 7.50 7.75 8.00 8.25 8.50 8.75 9.00 9.50 10.0 10.5

11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0

square shape size正 方

2x2 2.5x2.5 3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7 7.5x7.5 8x8 9x9

9.5x9.5 10x10 11x11 12x12 13x13 14x14 15x15 16x16 17x17 18x18

heart shape size心 形

3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 7x7 8x8 9x9 10x10 11x11 12x12

13x13 14x14 15x15 16x16 17x17 18x18 19x19 20x20

marquise shape size马 眼

2x4 2.5x5 3x6 3x12 4x8 4x12 4x14 4.5x9 5x10 5x12

6x12 6x18 6.5x21 7x14 7x18 7x25 8x16 8x22 8x24 9x16

9x18 9x30 9x32 10x16 10x25 11x18 11x22 12x20 12x22

oct shape size

2x3 2x4 2.5x5 3x4 3x5 3x6 3x10 3x18 4x6 4x14

4x16 5x7 5x10 5x20 5x25 6x8 6x10 6x12 6x13 6x14

7x8 7x9 7x10 7.5x9 7x20 7x21 7x27 8x10 8x11 8x12

8x13 8x14 8x15 8x20 9x10 9x12 9x13 10x11 10x12 10x13

10x14 10x18 10x20 10x24 10x25 12x14 12x16 12x25 13x18

15x18 15x25 15x30 16x24 18x21 18x25

oct emerald cut size

2x3 2x4 2.5x5 3x4 3x5 3x6 3x10 3x18 4x6 4x14

4x16 5x7 5x10 5x20 5x25 6x8 6x10 6x12 6x13 6x14

7x8 7x9 7x10 7.5x9 7x20 7x21 7x27 8x10 8x11 8x12

oval shape size蛋形

3x4 3x5 3.5x5 4x5 4x6 5x7 5x8 6x8 6x14 6x25

7x9 7x11 7x12 7x14 8x10 8x12 8x13 8x14 8x15 8x16

9x11 9x12 9x13 9x14 9x15 10x12 10x13 10x14 10x15 10x16

10x18 10x20 11x14 11x15 11x16 11x17 11x22 12x14 12x18

pear shape size梨形

3x4 3x5 3.5x5 4x5 4x6 5x7 5x8 6x8 6x14 6x25

7x9 7x11 7x12 7x14 8x10 8x11 8x12 8x13 8x14 8x15

8x17 9x11 9x12 9x13 9x14 9x15 10x12 10x13 10x14 10x15

10x18 10x20 11x14 11x15 11x16 11x17 11x21 12x14 12x16 12x18

12x19 13x17 13x18 13x19 13x20 14x20 14x22 14x23

tear drop shape size

3x4 3x5 3x15 4x5 4x6 4x10 4x15 4x20 5x8 5x10

5x15 5x20 5x35 6x8 6x10 6x12 6x20 6x35 7x9 7x14

7x21 7x28 8x12 8x14 8x16 8x22 8x30 8x38 8x46 9x13

9x20 10x18 10x20 11x14 11x15 11x16 11x17 11x21 12x14 12x16

12x18 12x24 13x17 13x18 13x19 13x20 14x20 14x23 14x28 15x18

15x20 15x25 15x30 16x20 16x22 17x23 18x22 19x21 22x25 ......

concave shape size

2x4 2x6 3x8 3x10 3x12 4x4 4x12 4x14 4x16 5x10

5x12 6x6 6x18 6x25 7x7 7x18 7x25 8x8 8x25 8x30

9x9 9x18 9x30 9x35 10x10 10x25 11x11 11x33 12x20 12x26

12x38 13x18 14x14 15x30 15x35 16x16 18x24

triangle shape size三角

2x2 2.5x2.5 3x3 4x4 5x5 6x6 6.5x6.5 7x7 7.5x7.5 8x8

9x9 10x10 11x11 12x12 13x13 14x14 15x15 16x16

所属分类:中国礼品工艺品网 / 手镯、手环
橄榄正方锆石 人工宝石 心形双平面锆石 2*2 12*12的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
主要经营:锆石;锆石批发;锆石裸石;锆石价格;人造锆石;宝石;宝石批发;宝石裸石;八心八箭锆石;八心八箭宝石;cubic zirconia;宝石加工;红刚玉;黑尖晶;宝石工艺品;八心八箭锆石;加工锆石;圈底红刚玉;黑尖晶批发;锆石批发商
本公司主营锆石批发,是生产加工、直销批发的锆石厂家,人造宝石(材质俗名:锆石,化学名:立方氧化锆)是我司主营产品,在市场竞争中以合理的价格、诚信的经营,商场 ...
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