德国M+W Instruments GmbH流量计代理

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    M+W Instruments

上海盛霞光电科技有限公司代理供应德国M+W Instruments GmbH流量计 M+W Instruments价格 M+W Instruments厂家 M+W Instruments渠道  M+W Instruments现货 M+W Instruments经销 M+W Instruments总经销。



The trade mark MASS-STREAM® represents a thermal measurement principle for the mass flow of gases, relatively independent of pressure and temperature.



Direct mass flow measurement and control can be used for a wide variety of applications.


Mass flow measurement and control by means of the through-flow principle Digital model series D-6300 Minimum flow range      0.01 ... 0.2       ln/min (Air) Maximum flow range     100 ... 5,000    ln/min (Air) Analog model series D-6200 Minimum flow range      0.5 ... 10           ln/min (Air) Maximum flow range     300 ... 6,000    ln/min (Air) Mass flow measurement and control by means of the bypass principle Analog model series D-5100 Minimum flow range      0.005 ... 0.1      ln/min (Air) Maximum flow range     2.5 ... 50            ln/min (Air) Both measurement principles work with no moving parts Compact and rugged design The instrument body is available in Aluminium as well as in stainless steel AISI 316L for corrosive gases Additional characteristics of the D-6300 and D-6200 model series Less sensitive to dirt Less sensitive to humidity No inlet pipe is needed All mass flow meters and controllers are basically calibrated on air. If other gases or gas mixtures are used our powerful software determines a conversion factor for the desired equivalent of air (please refer toFLUIDAT® on the Net).

In general mass flow measurement is very sensitive to variations of the shape of the flow profile.

The MASS-STREAM® flow meters are designed for a consistent, fully developed flow profile in the metering section and they are thus less sensitive to changes of the inlet piping conditions.

In comparable instruments, which do not consist of such precautions for these effects of inlet piping conditions, some severe variations in the accuracy might occur.


MASS-STREAM®Series D-6300
Digital Through-flow Mass Flow Meters and Controllers for Gases

Mass flow meters and controllers of M+W Instruments are suitable for all kinds of applications, for example in industrial, chemical, medical and laboratory environments.

The new digital MASS-STREAM® series D-6300 operates on thethrough-flow measurement principle. , following the constant temperature anemometer principle. It is characterised by significant improvements and follows M+W Instruments’ strategy of widely standardised product ranges. These new instruments have IP65 protection as a standard and are operated with a digital pc-board with all functions for accurate flow measurement and control. They can be supplied with commonly used digital or analogue input/output signals. Along with the standard RS232, Profibus-DP, DeviceNet, Flow-Bus and ModBus-RTU are available as an option.

One key element and innovative improvement is the optionally integrated, modern, multi-functional and multi-colour display, fully IP65 compliant with operator buttons on the instrument. With its multiple functions, such as actual flow indication, totalisation and alarms, the new MASS-STREAM® series D-6300 offers an excellent price-performance ratio.

Mass flow controllers for flows up to 1000 ln/min (Air) are equipped with an integrated solenoid control valve of a modular construction. Available Kv-values are: 0.066 / 0.17 / 1.0.

Our mass flow meters can also be furnished with pipe-on motor driven control valves (available Kv-values: 1,1 / 2,8 / 3,4 / 4,4) which are suitable for higher flow rates for a large variety of additional applications. (Further special valves and combinations on request.)



Useable for virtually every kind of gases Compact and robust design with IP65 protection Very good repeatability Low pressure drop Measurement without moving parts Less sensitive to humidity or dirt No inlet pipes needed Optional with integrated TFT display multi-functional: actual flow, totaliser, alarm etc. operator button on the instrument IP65 compliant Maintenance-free Body material in Aluminium or Stainless Steel

上海盛霞光电科技有限公司代理供应德国M+W Instruments GmbH流量计 M+W Instruments价格 M+W Instruments厂家 M+W Instruments渠道  M+W Instruments现货 M+W Instruments经销 M+W Instruments总经销。




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