上海联嘉祥电线线缆 SYWV 75Ω-5-7-9镀锡铜 物理发泡 同轴电缆 电视线
编号:1686539 IP: 浏览:130次- 供应商
- 上海联嘉祥线缆有限公司 商铺
- 认证
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 所在地
- 上海市黄浦区北京东路666号F区(西座)17B室
- 联系电话
- 021-53089990
- 手机号
- 18917701222
- 联系人
- 郑先生 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
1、应用: | Application: |
以不活泼的氮气充入绝缘介质层构成细密均匀的微孔结构,各微孔间互不连通,类似一个个密封仓。它的优点是高发泡度,又不含极性分子的发泡剂残留物,因此传输性能优良,适合于主干电缆、分支电缆、用户电缆及网络连接。由于它不透水不透气,性能特别稳定、使用寿命长。 |
the inactive nitrogen in insulation dielectric layer, it will form
an even and compact micro-hole structure with no linkage between
each micro-hole which like the sealed room. Its advantage lies in
its high degree of foaming while without vesicant leftover of
polarity molecule, so it has a fine transmission performance and is
fit for being used in backbone cable, sub-cable, owner’s cable and
internet connection. It has an extra stable performance and long
service life because of its water-proof and airproof
properties. |
2、产品说明: |
Product Description: |
3、外形尺寸 |
型号/规格 |
内导体结构 |
绝缘外径(mm) Diameter of insulation |
编织屏蔽 Brain Screening |
护套外径(mm) |
编织网数 Nets of braid |
编织密度Kc |
SYWV 75-5 |
1/1.0 |
4.6±0.2 |
64 |
40% |
7.0±0.3 |
96 |
60% |
7.0±0.3 |
128 |
70% |
7.0±0.3 |
144 |
78% |
7.0±0.3 |
SYWV 75-7 |
1/1.6 |
6.7±0.2 |
96 |
45% |
9.2±0.3 |
128 |
55% |
9.2±0.3 |
144 |
60% |
9.2±0.3 |
176 |
70% |
9.2±0.3 |
SYWV 75-9 |
1/2.05 |
8.6±0.2 |
80 |
30% |
11±0.3 |
96 |
40% |
11±0.3 |
128 |
50% |
11±0.3 |
144 |
60% |
11±0.3 |
192 |
75% |
11±0.3 |
SYWV 75-12 |
1/2.77 |
10.2±0.3 |
112 |
30% |
13.2±0.3 |
128 |
40% |
13.2±0.3 |
144 |
50% |
13.2±0.3 |
176 |
60% |
13.2±0.3 |
192 |
70% |
13.2±0.3 |
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