
全自动汽相清洗机 克力

信息编号:1573904 浏览:59次
张家港克力超声电器有限公司 商铺
中国 江苏 张家港市 张家港市 杨舍镇 河东路 41 号


品牌 克力

klqdqj series fully-automatic ultrasonic gas phase cleaning line

operating process

automatic feeding → ultrasonic cleaning→ cold rinsing → steam bathing →refrigeration drying → distilled recycling → automatic discharging

based on the manual ultrasonic gas phase cleaning machines, klqdqj series fully-automatic gas phase cleaning line has added fully-automatic intelligent manipulator and plc electronic controlled fully-automatic cleaning e to enhance efficiency, reduce labor force and satisfy the production technology re it is applicable for mass continuous operation.

process flow: work-piece is firstly dipped in ultrasonic cleaning tank, and the ultrasonic cavitation effect is utilized to accelerate the dissolution and des of the pollutant; then it is rinsed in rinsing tank to wash off remnant filth and cool the work-piece, the larger difference of temperature between the work-piece and solvent steam, the more favorable for vapor condensation, and the better effects of gas phase can be got. finally, work-piece will be undergone gas phase rinsing in solvent steam layer (steam tank), and vapor condensation is formed when the hot solvent meets with cold work-piece, the solvent steam turns into liquid, then to make the pollutant at the work-piece surface humid and dissolved, and drops like rain to take away the pollutant. when the operating temperature reaches the temperature of solvent steam, there will be no drops at the work-piece surface, and the gas phase cleaning is over. at last, the work-piece is taken from the steam layer to refrigeration zone, with a short stay, it will be dried completely. because the steam layer is clean, and no pollution occurs to the cleaning process, it is a completely undefiled cleaning technology, and can get super high cleanness.

feature of structure

fully stainless steel structure, acid and alkali resistant, all-enclosed frame to ensure excellent operation environment, and nice in shape;

fully-automatic intelligent manipulator functions stable, and positions accurately;

plc computer control, human computer interface touch panel operation;

li protection, automatic constant temperature heating, filtering circulation, water-liquid separator;

double-layer refrigeration zone to effectively control the volatilization of solvent, greatly reducing cleaning cost;

e with air cooled type cold water unit and refrigeration unit.

所属分类:中国汽车及配件网 / 清洗机
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