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Singapore tops the list as the most expensive city for the third time in a row, but in a year when costs around the world have been highly volatile.


The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) produced its Worldwide Cost of Living 2016 report, ranking countries based on the cost of various products and services.


Two United States cities have seen significant increases in costs, with Los Angeles rising 19 places to enter the top 10.


New York City, now ranked seventh, has gone up 15 places since last year. It has seen a big jump in costs over recent years, moving up 42 spots since 2011.


2016世界贵城市排行 新加坡继续位居

Japanese cities have seen a lowering of costs, despite being some of the most expensive cities over the past 20 years, Tokyo and Osaka have dropped to 11th and 14th place, respectively.


Paris is the only Eurozone country in the top 10, and sees a drop of three places, which the report says may be due to falling confidence in the euro.


Other European cities have seen increases in costs, pushing them up the rankings. London rose five points, bringing it into the top 10.

其他的欧洲国家生活成本在增长,排名有进步。伦敦上升了5个名次,并且进入。 Comparing regions within specific categories of costs, the EIU notes that Asian cities are the most expensive for grocery shopping, with Seoul in South Korea the priciest for food. European cities are the most expensive in terms of recreation and entertainment.

通过比较不同地区指定类别的生活成本,《经济学人智库》指出,亚洲城市在食品上的购买成本高,其中韩国首尔的食品价格高。欧洲城市则是在休闲娱乐用品上的成本高。 The survey discusses projections for going forward: "The cost of living is always changing and there are already indications of further changes that are set to take place during the coming year." 该调查讨论了对未来的预测:"生活成本总是变化的,来年将发生的变化已经有了迹象。" Crucially, they note, instability and conflict around the world could continue to drive inflation and affect the costs of living within certain cities.


New Amazon Store Lets Customers Avoid Long Lines

This is What's Trending Today...

The online marketer Amazon is opening a new kind of store. It is one where people do not have to wait in long lines to buy a product. Instead, the buyers pay using their smartphones.

The new store is in the American city of Seattle, Washington. It is called Amazon Go. It sells products that are normally found in a grocery store. What you will not find, however, are long lines and cashiers exchanging money.

Customers must have a smartphone, an Amazon account, and a program on their smartphone: the Amazon Go app. The app makes a list of everything that customers plan to buy from the store. After customers have finished shopping, they can simply leave.

Amazon says that because its new store does not require as many employees, the prices of goods will remain low.

The company has been working on creating the store for four years.

AmazonGo became a trending topic this week on social media.

One person on Twitter published a photograph of himself waiting in a very long line at a grocery store. He wrote, "I cannot wait for Amazon Go. Longest queue in history."

But, it may be some time before Amazon Go stores open up in other areas. Even the Seattle store is still only open to Amazon employees. The company plans to open that store to the public in early 2017.

And that's What's Trending Today.

I'm Jill Robbins.

1.grocery store 杂货店

I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store.


2.working on 致力于

I have been working on exploding the myth of fixity of meaning.


3.social media 社交媒体

We have all witnessed the power of social media.


4.exchanging money 货币兑换

Wherever you go, exchanging money puts you in touch with international finance.


1.He wrote, "I cannot wait for Amazon Go. Longest queue in history."

cannot wait for 等不及;不能等

We cannot wait for the fruit to ripen, but insist on plucking it while it is green.


I simply cannot wait for the rest of the world to experience what I already have!


2.But, it may be some time before Amazon Go stores open up in other areas.

open up 开发;展示

He said he wanted to see how Albania was opening up to the world.


These programmes will open up markets for farmers.


无需排队和结账 亚马逊开线下无人超市



这家新型商店位于美国华盛顿州的西雅图。商店名为Amazon Go。该商店里的商品种类十分齐全。不同的是,这里没有长队和收银员找零。

消费者必须持有智能手机以及亚马逊账户,智能手机上还需安装Amazon Go应用软件。该软件会记录下消费者在店内购买的商品清单。消费者购物结束后可直接离开。



本周,Amazon Go成为了社交媒体上的热门话题。

一名推特网友发布了一张在杂货店前排长队的照片。他写道,“等不及要去Amazon Go尽情购物了。看看这史上长的队吧。”

然而,Amazon Go商店在其他地方开业还需要一些时日。西雅图的这家试运营商店也只对亚马逊内部员工开放。该公司计划2017年初面向公众开放。



Thailand has a new king after Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, 64, accepted an invitation from parliament to succeed his father. His succession comes 50 days after the widely loved and revered King Bhumibol died in October, aged 88. Prince Vajiralongkorn will be known as King Maha Vajiralongkorn. He will also be known as Rama X, or the 10th king of Thailand's Chakri dynasty. He addressed his people in a televised statement on Thursday. He said: "I would like to accept the invitation for the benefit of the Thai people." Thailand's Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha said: "May all the Thai people unite to pray that…he may long reign as an idol and guardian of the Thai people."


The coronation of the new king will not take place until after King Bhumibol's cremation early next year. The new king was born on July 28, 1952. He went to schools in Australia and the UK before doing his military training in Australia. King Maha Vajiralongkorn is widely travelled and has a home in Germany. Over the past few years, he has undertaken more of his father's ceremonial duties in Thailand when the late king was ill and needed medical treatment. He also organized and participated in high-profile events such as cycle rides around the Thai capital Bangkok. One of his first acts as monarch will be to endorse Thailand's new constitution that has been backed by the Thai people.

1.invitation n.招待,邀请

Elizabeth had a standing invitation to stay with her.


2.revere vt.崇敬;尊崇

People revere the general.


3.reign vi.当政,统治

Queen Victoria, Britain's longest reigning monarch.


4.coronation n.加冕礼

The coronation was an occasion for extravagant myth and sentiment.


5.undertake vt.承担,从事

It seemed a singularly ill-judged enterprise for Truman to undertake.


6.endorse vt.签署,批准,签署

I wholeheartedly endorse his remarks.


HARI SREENIVASAN: A new flurry of high-level announcements today from the Trump transition. They include a new ambassador and a new leader for small business interests, and the incoming president himself has picked up another honor.

Lisa Desjardins has our report.

LISA DESJARDINS: He didn't appear in New York's Trump Tower lobby today, but

President-elect Donald Trump still made headlines, as "TIME" magazine named him its 2016 person of the year, billing him president of the divided states of America.

Meanwhile, the president-elect made more picks of his own, announcing he will nominate Iowa Governor Terry Branstad as his ambassador to China. Branstad is a Republican and the longest-serving governor of Iowa ever. He was one of the most prominent establishment Republicans to support Mr. Trump in the election, and he has a longstanding friendship with the Chinese president, Xi Jinping.

Another official announcement, former wresting executive Linda McMahon is Mr. Trump's nominee to head the Small Business Administration.

Also today, the Associated Press and other outlets reported retired Marine General John Kelly is the choice for secretary of homeland security.

DONALD TRUMP (R), President-Elect: Great, great general.

LISA DESJARDINS: And multiple outlets also reported Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt as Mr. Trump's pick to lead the Environmental Protection Agency. Pruitt is known for opposing EPA climate change regulations.

DONALD TRUMP: Mad Dog Mattis.


LISA DESJARDINS: All this after the incoming commander in chief officially introduced retired Marine General James Mattis as his selection for secretary of defense at a rally last night in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

Mattis would need a waiver from Congress to accept the position because he's been out of the service less than seven years.

DONALD TRUMP: What a great guy. He's going to be incredible. He will get that waiver, right? He's going to get that. Oh, if he didn't get that waiver, there would be a lot of angry people.

LISA DESJARDINS: The stop in North Carolina is part of a clear ramp-up of travel for Mr. Trump. Tomorrow, he will be in Columbus, Ohio, to meet with responders to the Ohio State campus attack last week, then a thank you rally in Des Moines, Iowa. Friday, the stops are Baton Rouge, Louisiana, to support the Republican Senate candidate in a runoff, and another thank you rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

President-elect Trump said today he thinks his biggest remaining pick, secretary of state, will come next week. This morning, he also told "The Today Show" he's getting advice from his predecessor.

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