

信息编号:1464280 浏览:273次
温州市韵品贸易有限公司 商铺
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品牌 法国波尔多 产品类别 葡萄酒
葡萄酒类型 干红葡萄酒 卫生许可证 SP3303041010001143
净重 750(ml) 保质期 15(年)
原料与配料 葡萄汁 酒精含量 12.5(%)
葡萄汁含量 100(%) 含糖量 小于4(g)
生产厂家 波尔多左岸梅多克产区的圣艾斯代夫(saint-estephe)小产区 原产地 波尔多左岸梅多克产区的圣艾斯代夫(saint-estephe)小产区
特产 储藏方法 避光常温卧放或倒放
生产日期 见瓶身

châteaulilian ladouys

st estephe




丽莲庄园(chateau lilian ladouys)位于波尔多左岸梅多克产区的圣艾斯代夫(saint-estephe)小产区。丽莲庄园(chateau lilian ladouys)的历史开始于1654年,1850年出版的《feret》中提到丽莲庄园的葡萄酒是圣艾斯代夫产区的葡萄酒。20世纪初,由于两次世界大战的影响,城堡被出售。80年代,葡萄园开始重建。如今,城堡的主人pierre fougere先生,他们期待城堡能够恢复到18世纪的水平。


产量: 60,000瓶


年份: 2004

树龄: 15-30年


酒精度: 12.5% vol

容量: 750ml

包装规格: 750mlx6pcs



饮用温度:14°c -- 16°c


the wines of lilian ladouys are not ones that i have fre encountered. imagine my surprise, then, when confronted with a line up of recent vintages, a mini-vertical no

less, at a tasting in london. nonchalantly chewing a stick of gum, the woman was pouring the wines in the most laid-back, disaffected manner that might be possible. her

manner was disconcerting, and rather disinterested in the tasting, and in how the wines were showing, it would seem. would this be reflected in the character of the wines at


what is known of the history of lilian ladouys begins in 1654, when the property was in the ownership of jacques de bercoyan, a bordeaux magistrate. by this time the estate

was already known as la doys, an obvious precursor to the ladouys of today, although the origins of this name remain unclear to me. from bercoyan the estate passed to the

barre family who acquired it during the 18th century, and who maintained their dominion over these vineyards for 150 years. under their tutelage the estate produced wines of

high judging by the opinions of the time, which ranked lilian ladouys considerably higher than most would place it today. by the early 20th century however, during the

difficult years between the two wars, the estate had deteriorated, and it was sold off in a piecemeal fashion. today, however, under the directorship of pierre fougere who

heads up the société chateau lilian ladouys, there has been investment and reported improvements. and for some years now the wines have been made under the auspices

of georges pauli, so there should perhaps be some optimism that they may once more be as glorious as the estate"s 18th century reputation suggests they can.

the estate covers 48 hectares spread in a disparate fashion across the st estèphe appellation, with more than ninety plots of vines in existence. about two-thirds of the

vineyard is situated on wall drained soils rich in coarse gravel, with pebbles up to 8 cm across dominating. the remaining vineyards are, as we might expect for st estèphe, clay

over a limestone bedrock. the varieties planted are 58% cabernet sauvignon, 37% merlot and 5% cabernet franc, and the vines have an average age of up close to 40 years.

once harvested the fruit is fermented in temperature-controlled stainless-steel vats, before transfer into oak barrels, of which one-third are new with each vintage; the wine will

remain here for 18 months before fining, filtration and bottling. the grand vin is chateau lilian ladouys, of which there are perhaps 20000 cases per annum, and the second

wine is la devise de lilian, has a production more in the order of 5000 cases.

the vintages shown on the day ranged from the 2001 up to, omitting the 2002, the 2005. they were obviously young wines, and i enjoyed the opportunity to taste them.

the 2005 was certainly the best of the bunch, with a little more substance than the preceding vintages, but all in all i thought that the wines still fall short of what we might

expect from the published 18th century opinions, and also given the estate"s proximity to the likes of cos d"estournel. perhaps the pourer"s disinterested manner was


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