No-dairy Cream Production

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青岛可颂食品有限公司 商铺
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品牌 kfi 产品名称 No-dairy Cream Production Line
适用范围 其他

(description of no-dairy cream production line )

1000kg/h no-dairy production line cover 8 parts , details as follows:

一、one set of water treatment system

purpose:production of pure water

accessories including: set of quartz sand handling system

contain quartz sand 100kg set of activated carbon treatment system

contain activated carbon 100kg set of resin handling system

contain resin 100kg

4. 3 sets of frank automatic controller set of ro reverse osmosis host

ro membrane 6 pieces set of ozone generator

equipmenttechnical parameter:

pure water treatment capacity:1000l/h

entrance pressure:0.2mpa—0.6mpa

operating temperature:2—50℃

power-supplytypes:220v 50hz / 3×380v 50hz

exit hardness:≤0.03mmol/l

regeneration mode:dynamic downstream regeneration

power power:5kw

二、6 sets of stainless steel reaction tanks, capacity: 2500kg/set


mainly used in whipped topping preparation of emulsion processing or storage. part of 304 stainless steel, flat bevel design.

accessories including:

1.6 sets of electric motor with decelerator,

fixed rotate speed.

2.6 pieces of blender

3.6 pieces of digital display temperature control


4.6 pieces of temperature-sensing element

5.6 pieces of manually operated control valve

6.6 pieces of solenoid valve

equipmenttechnical parameter:

motor power:1.5 kw /set

voltage:3×380 50hz

三、4 sets of stainless steel heat exchanger tanks, capacity 1000kg/set

purpose:mainly used in whipped topping preparation of emulsion processing or storage. part of 304 stainless steel, flat bevel design.

accessories including:

1.4 sets of electric motor with decelerator,

fixed rotate speed.

2.4 pieces of blender

3.4 pieces of digital display temperature control


4.4 pieces of temperature-sensing element

5.4 pieces of solenoid valve

6.4 pieces of centrifugal pump

7.4 pieces of manually operated control valve

8.2 sets of bidirectional filter

equipmenttechnical parameter:

motor power:1.5 kw /set

voltage:3×380 50hz

四、2 sets of weighing measurement systems

purpose:used for liquid oils and pure water weighing measurement made of stainless steel tanks. cone bottom design.

1.2 sets of computer automaticallycontrolled lcds

2. 2 sets of weighing trays

3.2 sets of specialized data transmission lines

4.2 sets of weighing tanks,capacity 1000kg

equipmenttechnical parameter:

max weight:1,000kg

transmission capacity:3,000 kg/h

motor power:0.75kw

voltage:3×380 50hz

五、2 sets of homogenizer emulsion systems

purpose:this is an ultra-fine grinding, emulsification and homogenization equipment, which uses high-pressure conditions to achieve ultra-fine grinding of materials and forma good emulsion liquid or grinding fluid. all products contains parts of stainless steel, and the sealing material have been recognized by the food industury management.

equipmenttechnical parameter

production capacity:max up to 1,000 kg/h (max capacity :1000kg/h)

max pressure:60mpa

motor power:37kw/set

六、1 set of water chilling unit

purpose:main role is to use high-pressure emulsified emulsion eject whipped topping to get rapid cooling crystallization.

accessories including:

1.1 piece of digital display temperature control instrument

2.1 piece of temperature-sensing element

3.1 set of two-stage stainless steel heat exchange device

equipmenttechnical parameter


voltage:3×380 50hz

七、1 set of oil-free air compressor

purpose:mainly used to supply air for pneumatic components of equipment.

equipmenttechnical parameter

displacement:1.0 min

exhaust pressure:1.0mpa

motor power:7.5kw/set

八、pipe, valves and electrical control cabinet and other


1.2 sets of electrical control cabinets

2.stainless steel pipes, 130 meters, polished food grade ais304

3.stainless steel valves, elbows, tees, clamps, cards, 739, polished food grade ais304

4.500 pieces of washers, useepdm material as the main material

5.15 setsof deliverypumps

note:all of the above sizes and weights of equipments marked with the actual sizes and weights may vary.

所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 其他食品、饮料加工设备
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