
single-phase motor

信息编号:1373952 浏览:62次
湖州市南浔华康电器有限公司 商铺
中国 浙江 湖州市 南浔镇吴越路
86 0572 2860588
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品牌 HK 产品类型 单相异步电动机
型号 XD-60 极数 4极
额定功率 0.06(kW) 额定电压 220(V)
额定转速 1333(rpm) 产品认证 ISO9001

single-phase motor

smooth running;
b.high effciency;
c.steady performance.
the style according customers.

model voltage freqency capacitor start torque breakdomn torque power weighter
(v) (hz) (μf) (n.m) (n.m) (w) (kg)
xd-90 220-240 50 8 0.7 1.05 90 3.0
60 7 0.63 0.95
xd-100 220-240 50 9 0.75 1.15 100 3.1
60 8 0.68 1.05
xd-120 220-240 50 10 0.8 1.4 120 3.2
60 9 0.72 1.25
xd-135 220-240 50 10 0.9 1.5 135 3.3
60 9 0.82 1.35
xd-150 220-240 50 12 1.1 1.7 150 3.5
60 10 1 1.55
xd-160 220-240 50 12 1.15 1.8 160 3.5
60 10 1.05 1.65
xd-165 220-240 50 12 1.18 1.85 165 3.6
60 10 1.08 1.7
xd-170 220-240 50 12 1.2 1.9 170 3.6
60 10 1.1 1.75
xd-180 220-240 50 13 1.25 1.95 180 3.7
60 11 1.15 1.8
xd-200 220-240 50 14 1.3 2.05 200 3.9
60 12 1.18 1.9
xd-220 220-240 50 15 1.4 2.2 220 4.1
60 13 1.25 2
xd-240 220-240 50 16 1.5 2.5 240 4.5
60 14 1.3 2.2
xd-90 100-127 50 22-32 0.7 1.05 90 3.0
60 20-28 0.63 0.95
xd-100 100-127 50 24-35 0.75 1.15 100 3.1
60 22-32 0.68 1.05
xd-120 100-127 50 28-40 0.8 1.4 120 3.2
60 24-35 0.72 1.25
xd-135 100-127 50 28-40 0.9 1.5 135 3.3
60 24-35 0.82 1.35
xd-150 100-127 50 32-48 1.1 1.7 150 3.5
60 28-40 1 1.55
xd-160 100-127 50 32-48 1.15 1.8 160 3.5
60 28-40 1.05 1.65
xd-165 100-127 50 32-48 1.18 1.85 165 3.6
60 28-40 1.08 1.7
xd-170 100-127 50 32-48 1.2 1.9 170 3.6
60 28-40 1.1 1.75
xd-180 100-127 50 35-50 1.25 1.95 180 3.7
60 30-45 1.15 1.8
xd-200 100-127 50 38-55 1.3 2.05 200 3.9
60 32-48 1.18 1.9
xd-220 100-127 50 40-60 1.4 2.2 220 4.1
60 35-50 1.25 2
xd-240 100-127 50 45-65 1.5 2.5 240 4.5
60 38-55 1.3 2.2

the washing machine motor can be customized according to the different voltage, frequency and the rotation speed!

washing motor performance: smooth running, high efficiency, low noise, steady performance.

we can the wire inside of motor are: copper wire, aluminum wire and copper wire mix aluminum wire. the wire is according to your request!

所属分类:中国电工电气网 / 家电用电动机
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