温变色防伪商标 肥料防伪合格证 不干胶标签

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河北凯迅惠商防伪技术有限责任公司 商铺
86 0311 89695048
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防伪方式 数码防伪商标标签 温变色防伪商标



hebei xun hui-kai to anti-counterfeiting technology limited liability company


shijiazhuang city fenghua jade science and technology service center


chinese product quality security center 365 offices in north china


aqsiq hebei china quality inspection association, the promotion of institutions


chinese anti-counterfeiting trade associations hebei service center profile:

服务简介: 我公司是中国产品质量365防伪中心和中国质量检验协会数码查询中心所属服务推广机构在华北设立的“数码防伪打假专用标签”在国内的开发推广主营单位。




三、为入网企业的制作颁发铜牌和证书。企业名优产品入网后,可以得到防伪与打假结合统一。为企业颁发会员铜牌证书,维护企业和客户权益。查询系统即可对产品质量和真伪等信息进行人机对话自动查询,对有疑问或投诉产品也可及时的人工在线咨询投诉,使问题及时迅速的处理解决,实现传统被动式防伪,为及时主动监督打假的有机结合与统一。同时,在物流解决方案上,防伪中心查询系统在帮助企业打假及防伪的基础上利用互联网技术,数字密码技术,红外线识别技术,结合国际通用的条码技术,构建全国物流平台,有效地帮助企业解决了困扰多年的跨区域销售问题。 另外,为了更好的为企业服务,还可以为企业单位制作各种产品防伪合格证(比如肥料复合肥防伪合格证)、入网证书、防伪毕业证、各种彩色图片贴标普通商标、提供产品商标标签数码和喷码服务等,普通商标标签等。我们承诺:“有品牌可选,有价格优惠”。  

四.中国产品质量365防伪中心 中国质量检验协会数码查询中心推广机构和中国防伪中心网向您提示:想提高企业产品信誉度吗?想扩大销售提高经济效益吗?特推荐各种防伪商标标签、复合肥防伪合格证、各种数码电码防伪标识标签,有800和400全国免费电话查询.河北办事处河北分中心 电话传真:0311-89695048 24小时值班电话、(主营单位:石家庄市玉丰华科技服务中心)

hebei xun hui-kai to anti-counterfeiting technology limited liability company shijiazhuang city fenghua jade science and technology service center chinese product quality security center 365 offices in north china chinese anti-counterfeiting trade associations hebei service center profile:

my company is the quality of chinese products, 365 center and the chinese anti-counterfeiting security industry associations to promote their services agency established in north china "tag-specific digital security crackdown" in china"s northern region to promote the development of main units. the main services are: first, the production of fertilizer for the enterprise network security certification and a variety of comprehensive anti-counterfeiting trademark logo tag. for enterprise security rights, for the protection of corporate economic interests. 365 chinese product quality security center and chinese anti-counterfeiting industry associations to promote their institutions for national reunification to open special service phone numbers and the production of anti-counterfeit trademark combination of tags. chinese anti-counterfeiting trade associations belonging to the promotion ofagencies are in the product quality services and security crackdown has put the administration advantages of aspects of the security crackdown significant measure for the client security and reduce the cost of rights, and fundamentally different from other places or bodies of the nature of enterprise security products, the brand effect and significant social and economic benefits, in order to improve product awareness broad far-reaching significance. second, for the enterprise security for multiple custom tags can be printed on the quality of chinese products have 365 security center, chinese association for the promotion of security sector institutions, such as words, each tag contains an irregular non-repetition in digital security, a security digital counterparts 1 pieces of products, both 1 1 yards were unique, not copied. india has the security-related content query system security tag affixed to a trademark on products, packaging can also beuse of "chinese product quality security center 365 network security inquiry system products", "chinese association for the promotion of security sector institutions network products" and other terms related to honor propaganda. both increased product reliability and reputation can also improve products and corporate image will help improve the market competitiveness of products and promote sales, improve the economic efficiency of enterprises. three, in order to access the production of enterprises awarded the bronze medal and certificate. enterprise brandname network can be combined with a unified security and crack down on fake goods. awarded for the enterprise, "the quality of chinese around the world" and "chinese association for the promotion of security sector institutions members certificate", and safeguard the rights and interests of enterprises and customers. query system can be on the product quality and authenticity of information for man-machine dialogue, such as automatic query, have questions or complaints on the products may also be timely artificialonline complaints, so that prompt treatment and timely problem resolved, implementation of traditional, passive security for the timely and proactive oversight of the organic combination of anti-counterfeiting and reunification. at the same time, on logistics solutions, anti-counterfeiting center inquiry system to help enterprises at the basis of anti-counterfeiting and security on the use of the internet technology, digital encryption technology, infrared identification technology, combined with the international common bar code technology, build a national logistics platform, effectively help enterprises solved the problem years of cross-regional sales. in addition, in order to better serve enterprises, business units can also produce a variety of products security certification (such as fertilizer compound fertilizer security certificate), enter the certificate, diploma forgery, all kinds of color picture labeling of ordinary trade marks, providing products tags trademarks, such as digital and coding services, general tags, such as trademarks. we are committed to: "there is brand optional, there is price concessions." 四. chinese product quality security center 365 chinese association for the promotion of security sector institutions and the chinese center for net security tips to you: want to improve their products credibility? want to expand sales to enhance economic efficiency? recommend a variety of special anti-counterfeit trademark labels, compound the security certificate, a variety of digital anti-counterfeit labels code tags, have 800 and 400 free national electricityquery words. hebei hebei branch office tel fax :0311-89695048 24-hour telephone (main unit: shijiazhuang city fenghua jade science and technology service center

所属分类:中国印刷网 / 防伪商标
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