
E4407B频谱仪 Agilent

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品牌 Agilent 型号 E4407B
新旧程度 9成新 产品数量 2
e4407b esa-e 9khz-26.5 ghz spectrum analyzer

the agilent technologies inc. e4407b spectrum analyzer is a wide band, very sensitive receiver. it works on the principle of "super-heterodyne receiver" to convert higher fre (normally ranging up to several 10s of ghz) to measurable the received frequency spectrum is slowly swept through a range of pre-selected fre, converting the selected frequency to a measurable dc level (usually logarithmic scale), and displaying the same on the crt of the agilent technologies inc. e4407b. the crt displays received signal strength (y-axis) against frequency ( x-axis).

some applications for agilent technologies inc. e4407b spectrum analyzers include site monitoring: verify that the frequency and signal strength of your transmitter is accurate. interference: before a system is installed you use a agilent technologies inc. e4407b spectrum analyzer to verify that the fre (you plan to use) are not occupied or if the presence of a very strong signal will interfere with your new setup. interference can be created by a number of different situations. other tests that utilize the agilent technologies inc. e4407b spectrum analyzer features include antenna isolation, co-channel interference, adjacent channel power, occupied bandwidth, intermodulation, microwave or satellite antenna alignment, and characterization of components.

the e4407 offers leading performance in accuracy with a guaranteed overall amplitude accuracy of less than 1.0 db error (< 3 ghz ) based on traceable and warranted specifications. other mid-range analyzers may specify only typical performance levels. the esa excels in overall amplitude accuracy whether comparing guaranteed specifications or expected levels of performance. the e4407 provides a warranted internal frequency reference that may not be available in other mid-range analyzers. further, the esa has excellent frequency readout accuracy, a function of the frequency reference error as well as the span error coefficient, rbw, center frequency, and number of sweep points. the e4407 offers top performance thanks to its optional built in low noise, high gain preamplifier. achieving a displayed average noise level (danl) of better than ¿167 dbm. a spectrum analyzers dynamic range is a function of both its display average noise level (danl) performance and its intermodulation distortion performance. the esa third order intermodulation distortion performance is excellent with a performance level of +16 dbm third order intercept (toi) (+7.5 for basic analyzer configurations). combined with the e4407¿s danl performance of ¿150 dbm/hz, the overall dynamic range sets the standard for the medium class analyzer. in addition, the e4407 features a standard 5 db step attenuator making it easy to optimize the spectrum analyzers mixer level settings to achieve the best dynamic range. the e4407¿s automatic, internal background alignment feature gives consistently accurate results over varying temperatures. this is especially beneficial when operating the esa outdoors or in varying temperature conditions. further, the esa provides guaranteed performance specifications over wide temperature range of 0 to 55 degrees centigrade. the e4407 spectrum analyzer features very fast sweep times. with sweep times as low as 1 ms for an rf sweep and 25 ns for a zero span sweep the esa has the fastest sweep times for an analyzer in its class. fast sweep times are particularly useful when searching for low level signals.


9khz to 40ghz operating range measurement range from -150 to +30dbm ±1 db overall amplitude accuracy 28 updates/sec measurement speed 97 db third order dynamic range one button measurements acp occupied bw emissions bw channel power 10 peaks table harmonic distortion multiple limit lines with margins internal frequency counter with 1hz resolution store 200 traces or states multiple measurement personalities field rugged portability 19 updates/sec remote measurement speed 5 minute warm-up time maximum sensitivity -150 dbm built-in help rugged and portable for lab grade performance in the field one-millisecond rf sweep time, 45 measurements per second rms, peak, neg peak, detectors 0.4 db overall amplitude accuracy optional 1 hz digital-resolution bandwidth filter and preamplifier -167 dbm sensitivity, with internal preamp, +16 dbm toi variable sweep (trace points) from 2 to 8192 segmented sweep for up to 32 discontinuous spans in one sweep 8590-series programming code compatibility hp 8566/68b programming code compatibility intuilink pc software for screen and data transfer to microsoft® office
所属分类:中国二手设备网 / 二手仪器仪表
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