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类型 涂层测厚仪 品牌 德国尼克斯Qnix(QUANIX)
型号 CARCHECK 测量范围 0-2(mm)
显示方式 液晶数字显示LCD 电源电压 5号电池2节(V)
外形尺寸 124mm×67mm×33mm(mm)

paint coating measurements are the most important measurement for assessing vehicles and determining accidental damage.

in the past, you could determine the thickness of paint coating only by recording it with conventional gauges and drawing your own graphs or tables – usually by hand. you had to fill in the vehicle and customer data yourself before printing it all on the company paper of the inspection organization.

a close and long cooperation with lacquer experts and authorities of the industry confirmed the increasing effort made to develop a testing system that meets all the requirements of an expert –the carcheck system.

the goal was to present not only a highly accurate paint coating measuring gauge, but also an elaborate measuring system offering a software-based solution for analysis and documentation.

that way, a revolutionary measuring system has been created. the carcheck system, consisting of the carcheck gauge and the carcheck software.

the carcheck gauge however, is no ordinary coating thickness measuring device. clear measuring instructions in the display guide you through the complete measuring process – the measuring of a complete automobile at all the spots, relevant to the damage.

choose between a basic measuring mode (3 measurements per vehicle part) and an intensive measuring mode (6 measurements per vehicle part)

the readings are saved in the gauge and can be transmitted to the carcheck documentation and administration software using the wireless usb interface.

the intuitive job wizard makes the use of the carcheck software as easy as child play. it guides you through the whole process, starting from creating the measuring task with the gauge, to printing the completed measuring log. after entering company and user data, you can specify the vehicle and all its relevant characteristics, such as the vehicle identification number, and assign the owner to it.

as soon as this data is available, the documentation is created automatically. there is even room for personal assessments and comments.

this documentation provides you with a tabular analysis of the coating thickness measurements, a schematic image of the vehicle type, and all necessary vehicle and customer data.

your company address and logo in combination with your digital signature legalize these documents as a binding protocol.

just like all our products, this carcheck system also meets our high standards for simple, safe and reliable use!

product highlights

fully automated, menu driven measuring system, providing individual measurements detailed documentation thanks to analysis and administration software high measuring range of up to 5 mm compact gauge, pre-programmable on the pc beforehand no time consuming calibration rugged measuring system easy to use
所属分类:中国仪表网 / 测厚仪
CARCHECK涂层测厚仪/新车、二手车检测仪的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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主要经营:里氏硬度仪,超声波测厚仪 ; 超声波测厚仪 ; 涂层测厚仪 ; 气体检测仪 ; 测氧仪 ; 测爆仪 ; 硬度计
北京市德光电子公司,是一家从事专业设计、生产和销售无损检测(NDT)仪器设备的高新技术企业。1993年在北京中关村科技园注册成立。公司拥有一支由专家组成的专业研发队伍,和一个全国性的销售服务网络。德光 ...
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