
美孚导热油THERM 603导热油

信息编号:1228119 浏览:105次
上海西塞诺润滑油有限公司 商铺
中国 上海市松江区 沪松公路2511弄909号
86 021 67769079
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型号 美孚603 品牌 美孚
比重 0.86 闪点 200(℃)
40℃运动粘度 20.2(cSt) 粘度指数 100
倾点 -6(℃)

美孚therm 603和605导热油18l和208l均有现货供应。

mobiltherm 600 series
heat transfer oils
product description
mobilthermheat transfer oils are high performance products intended for use in closed indirect heating installations.
they are formulated from highly refined base stocks that are resistant to thermal cracking and chemical oxidation.
they have good heat transfer efficiency and their viscosities are such that they can be pumped readily at both
start-up and operating temperatures. the flash points of these oils will not decrease significantly in service
because of their resistance to thermal cracking at the operating temperatures for which they are recommended.
the mobiltherm products are very thermally stable and are capable of an extremely long service life without
deposit formation or viscosity increase. they demonstrate specific heats and thermal conductivities that provide
more rapid heat dissipation. mobiltherm heat transfer oils are recommended for use in both closed and open,
cold-oil sealed, indirect heating and cooling systems in all kinds of industrial processes.
features and benefits
mobiltherm oils are important member of the mobil brand of specialty fluids that have gained a reputation for
performance and reliability, even in severe applications. application of the most modern refining techniques is
a key factor in the excellent features of these products. mobiltherm 603 and 605 offer the following benefits:
advantages and potential benefits features
freedom from sludge and coke deposits and minimum
interference with heat transfer capability and minimised
maintenance needs
high resistance to thermal cracking and decomposition
high heat transfer rates and improved operating
efficiency and lower operating costs
excellent thermal properties
long trouble free service life and reduced downtime good thermal and oxidative stability
easy starting of cold systems good low temperature fluidity
application considerations: mobiltherm heat transfer oils should not be mixed with other oils since this may
impair the excellent thermal and oxidation stability of the mobiltherm oils, cause a change in other properties,
and complicate the interpretation of analyses made to determine the oil"s useful life. if the oils are used above
their recommended maximum temperatures, vapor lock may result unless the system is designed to operate at
the higher temperature by pressurising with an inert gas such as nitrogen. however, at higher temperatures,
fluid life will be shortened because the rate of thermal degradation increases markedly as temperatures rise
above the recommended limit. in well-designed systems the temperature of the oil film surrounding the heating
element should be about 15ºc to 30ºc above the bulk oil temperature. if higher than this, the service life of the
oil may be shortened and sludge and coke may be deposited which would interfere with the heat transfer rates.
as with other mineral oils, mobiltherm heat transfer oils should be used only in systems with forced circulation.
systems that depend on convection for circulation of the heat transfer medium do not provide a rapid enough
flow to prevent local overheating and rapid deterioration of the oil. further, these oils are not recommended for
use in open systems where hot oil is exposed directly to the air. if they spray or escape from leakage points。hot mobiltherm oils may spontaneously ignite.mobiltherm 603 and mobiltherm 605 can be used in open and
closed installations where the bulk oil temperature ranges are as outlined in the table below and where minimum
shutdown temperatures are not below -7ºc.
• bulk oil temperature ranges for mobiltherm 603: closed systems (-7 c to 285 c), open systems (-7 c
to 150 c)
• bulk oil temperature ranges for mobiltherm 605: closed systems (-7 c to 315 c), open systems (-7 c
to 180 c)
• closed, cold-oil sealed, indirect heating and cooling systems in all kinds of industrial processes operating
at bulk oil temperatures up to the maximum temperatures quoted in the table above and at atmospheric
• open systems provided the bulk temperatures do not exceed the maximum temperatures quoted in the
table above.

typical properties
605 603 mobiltherm 600 series
viscosity, astm d 445
30.4 20.2 cst @ 40ºc
5.4 4.2 cst @ 100ºc
-6 -6 pour point, ºc, astm d 97
230 190 (min) flash point, ºc, astm d 92
0.857 - specific gravity @15 ºc kg/l, astm d 4052
0.05 (max)

所属分类:中国精细化学品网 / 导热油
美孚导热油THERM 603导热油的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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