
Soybean wax

信息编号:11912 浏览:99次
茂名东海石油有限公司 商铺
中国 广东 茂名市 茂名市光华南路67
86 1536 3116830
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蜡烛种类 环保蜡 形状 块状
品牌 Baiyu licensing soybean wax 规格 European and American standards
包装 Carton 产品编号 HS52
使用场合 广告促销、会议庆典、商务公关、节日庆祝、婚庆、生日、宗教用品、其他 送礼对象 其他

the advantages of soy wax:
1. composed of soy wax, paraffin wax-free composition, in full compliance with laws and regulations in europe and america.
2. low price, timely delivery.
3. the production of wax off the glass cup, evenly distributed pigment, can not afford to spend;
column produced by fast cooling wax, easy release, non-cracking, pigment evenly dispersed, can not afford to spend.
4. long burn time than paraffin 30-50%.
5. environmentally friendly non-toxic. combustion products will not be carcinogenic, biodegradable waste.
6. low melting temperature, heat saving, in favor of the operator safety in production.
? the east china sea baiyu licensing of imports of soybean wax with the united states compared to soybean wax:
1. product and performance is similar to the east china sea in the white color of soy wax and the technical parameters of small上略dominant.
2. product prices, the east china sea baiyu license price of soybean wax models than the united states the same low price of 3000-4000 yuan (renminbi).
3. the delivery time, imports of soybean wax delivery normally 55-65 days, the east china sea baiyu soybean wax delivery time is normally about 15-20 days, if there is stock, then to be able to receive the shipment shall , the time savings of around 40 days.
4. in the after-sales service services, candle manufacturers have any technical and product issues are responded to within one day soon to help find a solution to a candle factory.
5. the east china sea with the domestic white soy wax candles renowned enterprises co-operation and liaison, exports to the united states, canada, the european union is extremely japan, is the domestic soybean wax market shipments, one of the largest enterprises.
6. at present, exports of soybean wax, the current global oil prices rising, the rising cost of paraffin wax, so a large number of exports of high-grade products for the soybean plant wax candles cost advantage is obvious.

所属分类:中国礼品工艺品网 / 蜡烛、烛台烛器
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