
信息编号:1029673 浏览:75次
广州市永之兴工艺品有限公司 商铺
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材质 其他 品种 糖玉
类别 其他 造型 山水
产地 广东汕尾海丰 等级 AAA
品质 品牌 永兴工艺有限公司

wing hing factory products gem stones version of the globe by the experts after nearly three years of meticulous research and development of handicrafts and a globe, the surface of ball seven continents, four oceans, from different types of precious stones of different colors of materials through technology division they hand-crafted mosaic from a very complex process, after nearly thirty moral process, and now combines the refined main lithography technology. the main materials to the main lapis lazuli and with more than 20 kinds of precious stones, such as: amethyst, hu yanshi, tony choi, curb spending, such as jade africa. ball reflects up-to-date geographic data, the features of the political district map. chinese characters have a ball, warp, all of latitude from 18k gold inlay which, clear graphics, clear, set the value of collections, the value of technology, combined value can be placed in high-end-run room, renyi room, family room, hotel lobby, etc. , is the gift of your time together elegant gift.

>>> details:

practical value:
towel on the surface of a sphere 18k gold latitude line, defined borders, name and the city have chinese characters and english, and general (paper) compared globe, a soft non-glare look, a clear pattern, clearly, raising cellar, geography very helpful knowledge.
technology value:
a complete gem globe to the embryo to be finished after more than 20 procedures, there are folders and difficult process confidential by the technology division, after describing, cutting, grinding, hard inlay, planing, set lines, lithography and so on, all handmade, laborious and time-consuming, it was a pioneer in the 13-inch (diameter 330mm) globe need to consume more than 1100 hours.
value of the collection:
wing hing technology company limited production of a 1800mm diameter globe is the jewel in the world.
globe of its own products has not determined the nature of time and space constraints do not have the time, geography, national boundaries, ethnic, cultural and other restrictions, which belongs to the whole world, together with the valuable materials such as precious stones, the right to use its never fade, never deformed , an increase of the value of its collection.
to appreciate the value of:
gem globe appearance looks very noble and extraordinary momentum, the company is a major, multi-national hotel, the family"s main file decorations.

所属分类:中国礼品工艺品网 / 地球仪
天河城特色商务礼品、L330SD型-绿晶地球仪的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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主要经营:地球仪 ; 宝石地球仪 ; 灯饰地球仪 ; 木制地球仪 ; 仿玉工艺品 ; 商务礼品 ; 树脂摆件 ; 风水摆件
广州市永之兴工艺品有限公司位于广州市荔湾区南岸路44号华南国际文体用品交易市场AB馆二楼休251(即荔湾南湾与登云天下礼品批发中心)对面。永之兴宝石工艺制品厂,座落于我国红色政权苏维埃政权创始人彭湃烈 ...
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