静态扭力试验机 英国诺霸扭力试验机

编号:1023191 浏览:110次
张丽艳(个人会员) 商铺
中国 北京市丰台区 丰台汇丰汽配城6厅24号
86 010 51751322


品牌 英国诺霸扭力试验机 型号 1020
类型 指针式测力仪表 测量范围 2.5-60(N)
精度等级 0.5 重量 5(kg)

the static torque meter is a compact instrument designed to provide a quick and easy check for all types of torque wrench.

classification to bs7882:1997, typically class 2 for the primary classification range (+/-1% of reading). easy to read 200 mm (8 in) dial. colour coded, metric and imperial scales, reduce the possibility of conversion errors. maximum reading pointer simplifies the checking of dial and bending beam type torque wrenches. double ended drive spindle allows calibration of right handed and left handed torque tools. suitable for checking some stall type nut runners. not suitable for use with impulse or impact tools.
(obsolete)mechanical torque tester;static torque meter model 60
part no. 21020.hp

the static torque meter is a compact instrument designed to provide a quick and easy check for all types of torque wrench. note: due to limitations in resolution in all analogue torque testers, accurate wrench calibration below 20% of full scale is not advised.

(obsolete)mechanical torque tester;static torque meter model 60 (lbf.in scale)
part no. 21020.ins.hp

the static torque meter is a compact instrument designed to provide a quick and easy check for all types of torque wrench. note: due to limitations in resolution in all analogue torque testers, accurate wrench calibration below 20% of full scale is not advised.

(obsolete)mechanical torque tester;static torque meter model 125 (obsolete)
part no. 21021

the static torque meter is a compact instrument designed to provide a quick and easy check for all types of torque wrench. note: due to limitations in resolution in all analogue torque testers, accurate wrench calibration below 20% of full scale is not advised.

(obsolete)mechanical torque tester;static torque meter model 250
part no. 21022.hp

the static torque meter is a compact instrument designed to provide a quick and easy check for all types of torque wrench. note: due to limitations in resolution in all analogue torque testers, accurate wrench calibration below 20% of full scale is not advised.

(obsolete)mechanical torque tester;static torque meter model 500
part no. 21023.hp

the static torque meter is a compact instrument designed to provide a quick and easy check for all types of torque wrench. note: due to limitations in resolution in all analogue torque testers, accurate wrench calibration below 20% of full scale is not advised.

(obsolete)mechanical torque tester;static torque meter model 1000
part no. 21024.hp

the static torque meter is a compact instrument designed to provide a quick and easy check for all types of torque wrench. note: due to limitations in resolution in all analogue torque testers, accurate wrench calibration below 20% of full scale is not advised.

(obsolete)mechanical torque tester;static torque meter model 2000
part no. 21025.hp

the static torque meter is a compact instrument designed to provide a quick and easy check for all types of torque wrench. note: due to limitations in resolution in all analogue torque testers, accurate wrench calibration below 20% of full scale is not advised.

(obsolete)mechanical torque tester;static torque meter model 4000
part no. 21026.hp

the static torque meter is a compact instrument designed to provide a quick and easy check for all types of torque wrench. note: due to limitations in resolution in all analogue torque testers, accurate wrench calibration below 20% of full scale is not advised.

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所属分类:中国仪表网 / 测力仪表
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