
MiniProg3仿真器 CY8CKIT-002-

更新时间:2015-10-22 14:03:52 信息编号:3926060 浏览:510次
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cy8ckit-002 psoc? miniprog3 program and debug kit(rev.b)

last updated:

the psoc? miniprog3 program and debug kit is an all-in-one programmer for psoc 1, psoc 3 and psoc 5 architectures, debug tool for psoc 3 and psoc 5 architectures, and a usb-i2c bridge for debugging i2c serial connections and communicating to psoc devices.

the miniprog3 supports the following protocols:

swd jtag issp usb-i2c

included with the kit is a 10-pin ribbon cable for connecting to standard 10-pin jtag header interfaces utilized for our psoc 3 and psoc 5 architectures while the device itself supports the 5-pin issp programming header for psoc 1 architectures. the 5-pin connector also supports the usb-i2c bridging capabilities and is a superset of thecy3240capabilities. please note, the cy8ckit-002 only contains the miniprog3 and supporting cables.

kit upgrade:now it’s time to make the upgrade to miniprog3 revision *b if you wish to perform power cycle programming but have miniprog3 revision *a (cy8ckit-002). this upgrade is free to our valued customers.

log on towww.cypress.com/go/psockitupgradeto know more details. cypress appreciates your business and continued loyalty.

miniprog3 *b revision update:

cypress semiconductor has completed a hardware update to the miniprog3 to address hardware issues seen with programming, esd, and power management. the miniprog3 revision, either *a or *b, is indicated using sticker on the back of the programmer. the following are a list of updates made to the miniprog3 *b programmer.

updated hardware to improve power cycle programming:

the miniprog3 hardware has been updated to better improve power cycle programming for all psoc devices. it was discovered that the miniprog3 *a programmer revision did not correctly implement the power cycle programming methodology. due to this issue the miniprog3 *a programmer could not correctly support power cycle programming for psoc 3 and psoc 5 devices. this specifically impacts customers who do not route out the xres line to the programming connector or disable the optional xres line on certain devices. the *b revision of the miniprog3 will support power cycle programming for all psoc 3 and psoc 5 devices.

over-current and non-polarized connection updates:

there are known electrical risks to the miniprog3 *a revision that have been addressed with the *b update. to address the electrical issues the miniprog3 *b programmer has added esd over-current protection to the usb lines and has added electrical protection to the 5 and 10-pin connectors in case of a reverse polarity condition.

improved voltage detection capabilities:

the miniprog3 *b programmer has been updated to improve the voltage detection capabilities. the miniprog3 will measure the target voltage within an accuracy of 20 mv for a range of 1.8v – 5.0v.

supported software:

the miniprog3 *b programmer is supported on the latest release of psoc programmer. to download the latest release, please navigate to the psoc programmer web page:



所属分类:中国电子元件网 / 仿真器
MiniProg3仿真器 CY8CKIT-002-的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
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