
deposition physical coatings

更新时间:2015-04-23 11:37:33 信息编号:3567572 浏览:77次
湘潭市宏锋机械设备制造厂 商铺
86 0731 58282058
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physical vapor deposition coatings system

advantages of this machine(vacuum pvd coater):
1) simple visual interface for the operator, process control system runs on windows system interface and easy to use
2) vacuum pump system efficiency,  which increases productivity due to shorter batch times
3) high performance layer monitoring system is e for enhanced production result
4) automated work cycle, which requires less workers per shift and training time, low production cost
5) repeatable and reliable coating
6) safter and environmentally-friendly process guarantee
7) highest yield
coating properties:
• excellent layer properties
• longer lifetime 
•  smooth surface 
• many bright, metallic colours, decorative or functional
• excellent scratch protection
pvd applications:

you may also interested in the pvd coating machine for the following applications(direct link):

pvd coater for glass

aluminum or silver mirror making

ito conductive glass

low-e glass coating

solar tubes coating

pvd coater for plastic

plastic metallizing

headlamp metallzing

christmas balls metallizing

shoe heel metallizing

food grade coatings for plastic cutleries

pvd coater for metal

tools or hardwares coating

stainless steel sheets with tin coatings


pvd coater for ceramic

ceramic tiles coating

mosaic coating

our services:
before sales:
1.     our engineers are ready to provide custom made design and recommendation for each customer's case.
2.     we provide professional consulting service for pvd coaters and lines.
3.     we also have set up good relations with the suppliers of relative consumables and parts for your needs.
1.     we will send the engineers to your place for installation, fine tune and for operation training.
2.     we will provide troubleshooting service all lifetime.
3.     the warranty period of the machine is 1 year.
4.     we will contact you to ask for about the conditions of the machine in periodically.
5.     we also provide the service for further extension on your existing machine.
1: are you manufacturer?
answer: yes, we are. welcome to visit our factory!
2: what is price of the machine?
the machine is custom made. if you have any drawing or any information on specification of the machine, please send to us for quote.
if you are totally new in this area, please tell us the max. dimension of your products, its application, and your desired capacity.
we will provide our professional suggestions and work out an appropriate design for your project.
3: what do i have to do for my products before processing by the vacuum coater?
answer: in vacuum area, the products(we call it"substrate") have to be clean, dry and smooth. so we will need washer and dryer, sometimes base varnish, and topcoat to protect the coatings.
4: do i have to pay the costs for pollution?
answer: the machine is environment-friendly, there is no liquid chemical waste and harmful gas. this is a kind of green technology.
inquiry guides:
dear customer:  :-)
good day.
when you are going to send us a inquiry, in order to design the most appropriate machine for your project, please answer the following s in your letter:
1. what is your product, its material and application
2. what is the possible max. dimension of your product
3. what is your desired productivity per 8 hours/shift.
the answers to the above will help us a lot on designing or do the recommendation.


所属分类:中国机械设备网 / 电镀设备
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