

更新时间:2014-12-04 17:19:39 信息编号:3145627 发布者IP: 浏览:88次
祁县增威黄粉虫养殖专业合作社 商铺
mealworms 黄粉虫 面包虫
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 product introduction

dried mealworms are a natural high-vitamin and -protein food source for wild garden birds. to the common garden bird they are quite a delicacy and will attract all types of birds. in particular they are a favourite of wrens, robins and tits. if you have never fed this item before give it a try and you will be amazed at the birds it will attract.

mealworms are the larvae of the mealworm beetles. for many years, they have been used by bird enthusiasts as a successful food item to attract birds. for someone who has just started out bird watching or bird feeding as a hobby, mealworms will provide a great attraction for a surprisingly large number of bird species such as robins, black birds, thrushes, dunnocks and starlings. there are mainly two variations of mealworms available in the market: live and dried worms for birds.

at wild bird direct, we offer the best dried worms for birds. we believe that rather than buying live mealworms, which come with the need to fre replenish stocks, it is wiser to buy dried ones. as an added bonus, for those who are not too enthusiastic about handling live worms, our dried mealworms for sale will offer you the opportunity to achieve your purpose without any of the discomfort. some people believe that live mealworms will attract more birds than dried ones. in reality, the dried version is just as good as attracting birds as the real, live, s version. our worms are exactly identical in appearance to live worms and your birds will love them. this will keep them coming back for more.

since most people take on the relaxing activity of bird watching as a hobby, they still need to keep up with their professional and personal lifestyle. by ordering bulk packages, you will be treated to a constant stream of incoming flying guests and will not have to worry about running out of supplies every few days or so. at wild bird direct, the process of purchasing bird food to keep your garden visitors well fed is made easy as you will be able to place your order within seconds.

when you buy worms from wild bird direct, you are not only limited to feeding the birds that visit your backyard. we also offer dried worms for chickens for all of those small holders & farmers out there. since it is necessary to purchase large to feed many chickens each day, we offer 10kg packages to keep your chickens well fed and content.

as for the price, our bulk dried mealworms supplies are the cheapest you can find on the internet. whether you are seeking to buy to try out or if you need bulk packages for the chickens, wild bird direct is the best place for you to find the highest dried mealworm 10kg, 5kg, 1kg and even small 100g packages to suit just about any re

many of our satisfied clients have offered their positive feedback on our high and cheap dried worms and continue to purchase from us. we guarantee that you will receive, in the words of our satisfied clients, 'the best dried mealworms for sale on the internet.' what you will not receive from us are broken, crushed or damaged mealworms. we pay special attention to packaging as well as to make deliveries on time. our mealworms are delivered in the highest packaging to make sure that our customers receive undamaged and unspoiled food for their loving pets and little visitors.

mealworms, in their dried and live form are a delectable snack for a myriad of different types of birds. our clients' feedback will let you know just how much they love serving our worms to their pet and visiting birds. so why not order some of our finest and see for yourself just how much enjoyment it will bring to your hungry feathered visitors.

相关产品:mealworms , 黄粉虫 , 面包虫
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祁县增威黄粉虫养殖专业合作社位于国家历史文化名城——祁县。合作社注册资金218万元,现有员工25名,社员(养殖户)150名。目前主要产品为黄粉虫鲜虫、干燥黄粉虫、虫粪沙。合作社 ...
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