

信息编号:227565 浏览:225次
梧州市蝶山区盛赞宝石经营部 商铺
中国 广西 梧州市 西环路中段68号宝石城3单元401房
86 0774 3884198
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种类 手链 品牌 盛赞珠宝
材质 925银、足银、黄金、铂金(白金)、合金、金属、紫水晶、其他 材料来源 天然
风格 繁多 造型 繁多
样式 繁多 处理工艺 镶宝石
保健功能 其他功效 送礼对象 送父母/长辈、送孩子/宝宝、送女友/老婆、送男友/老公、送朋友、送同事、送客户、送领导、送同学、送恩师、送老外、送哥哥/弟弟、送姐姐/妹妹、其他
使用场合 广告促销、会议庆典、办公福利、商务公关、答谢客户、开业典礼、节日庆祝、婚庆、生日、乔迁、毕业升学、其他 是否提供加工定制



本公司国内的宝石厂拥有大批先进的宝石加工生产设备和数百名熟练生产工人、质量检验人员,利用立方氧化锆、玻璃、尖晶、刚玉、镜面玻璃、猫珠等人造宝石材料,可生产各种颜色、形状、规格、质量级别的宝石成品。 并于近年,本公司大力发展泰国天然宝石厂,熟练生产出的红宝石、蓝宝石、碧玺、白黄玉(托帕石)、紫晶、黄晶、茶晶、石榴石、柠檬晶等泰国天然有色宝石。



shengyu gems company now renamed to shengzan gems company from sep.9, 2009

we locates in wuzhou,guangxi,china which is a city famous for gemstone. we have been specializing in the production, processing and sales of gemstones since our company established in 1996. after over ten years of development, we have became a famous gemstone export corporation. our fouder, mr liang, has been elected to be the vice president of the wuzhou gemstone trade association.

we own a gemstone producing factory--jiansheng gemstone factory. with hundreds of gemstone processing machines and skilled workers, we use various of materials which could be cubic zirconia, glass, spinel, corumdun and cat eye to produce gemstones. we can provide client with gemstones in any color, specification and class. it is our guarantee to finish product order strictly according to customer request. at the same time, our factory in thailand can provide all kinds of natural stone such as ruby, sapphire, tourmaline, topaz, amethyst, citrine,lemon quartz , smoky quartz ,garnet and so on. we believe our products can meet your re

in the last 10 years, we were innovative, trendy, , and excellent services, we were improving ourselves everyday and providing the best and excellent services to our customers. in the future, we hope we can cooperate with our customers to overcome the difficulty and get the win-win business.
any enquiry and subscription from customer is welcome.



本公司国内的宝石厂拥有大批先进的宝石加工生产设备和数百名熟练生产工人、质量检验人员,利用立方氧化锆、玻璃、尖晶、刚玉、镜面玻璃、猫珠等人造宝石材料,可生产各种颜色、形状、规格、质量级别的宝石成品。 并于近年,本公司大力发展泰国天然宝石厂,熟练生产出的红宝石、蓝宝石、碧玺、白黄玉(托帕石)、紫晶、黄晶、茶晶、石榴石、柠檬晶等泰国天然有色宝石。



we locates in wuzhou,guangxi,china which is a city famous for gemstone. we have been specializing in the production, processing and sales of gemstones since our company established in 1996. after over ten years of development, we have became a famous gemstone export corporation. our fouder, mr liang, has been elected to be the vice president of the wuzhou gemstone trade association.

we own a gemstone producing factory--jiansheng gemstone factory. with hundreds of gemstone processing machines and skilled workers, we use various of materials which could be cubic zirconia, glass, spinel, corumdun and cat eye to produce gemstones. we can provide client with gemstones in any color, specification and class. it is our guarantee to finish product order strictly according to customer request. at the same time, our factory in thailand can provide all kinds of natural stone such as ruby, sapphire, tourmaline, topaz, amethyst, citrine,lemon quartz , smoky quartz ,garnet and so on. we believe our products can meet your re

in the last 10 years, we were innovative, trendy, , and excellent services, we were improving ourselves everyday and providing the best and excellent services to our customers. in the future, we hope we can cooperate with our customers to overcome the difficulty and get the win-win business.
any enquiry and subscription from customer is welcome.

所属分类:中国礼品工艺品网 / 情人节礼品
天然泰国宝石<紫水晶>VVS极靓价货量足的文档下载: PDF DOC TXT
关于梧州市蝶山区盛赞宝石经营部商铺首页 | 更多产品 | 联系方式 | 黄页介绍
主要经营:锆石 ; 玻璃 ; 猫眼石 ; 尖晶 ; 红刚玉 ; 蓝刚玉 ; 钻中钻 ; 合成宝石 ; 泰国天然红宝 ; 托帕 ; 红宝
盛瑜宝石公司于2009年9月9日正式更名为“盛赞宝石公司”。本公司由宝石之都---------梧州市宝石商会副会长梁建业先生创立于1996年,经过之前盛业、盛瑜公司十多年的发展,本公司已经成为一家实力 ...
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